Scooby Doo is less confused than me right now, just don’t have a clue what’s happening, if all season ticket purchases have the option of paying for the plus £15, the first time away tickets go on sale over 10’000 are entitled, so it’s a free for all, but for the first two hours when away tickets go on sale the e-ticketing website doesn’t work, so it’s fingers crossed and hope for the best even though you’ve paid £15 ?.
Apart from 10K people won't be buying away tickets. It will be very similar to this season which also had priorities and had the same issue first game of the season since nobody had any history. There weren't the issues you mentioned with the website either. If we are in the championship next season there will be fewer away games with limited tickets.
It makes sense like loyalty cards in supermarkets. Use the card when you buy anything and our club will get to know the buying habits of every fan instead of treating all the same. From what we buy they know what to email or post us offers about and what we won't have any interest in.
They’ve put the price of a season ticket up £15, but it’s optional, and everything else is the same?. If you intend to go to away games it’s a option you can’t refuse basically?.
Probably makes sense if you attend most away games. (Haven't compared the prices from last year - are they the same?) Although the importance of that priority will also depend on what league we are in. You'll get other benefits for your 15 quid though so probably a no brainer if you are a season ticket holder who goes away often
Well as a season ticket holderby for the first time in years I've been to every away match I've wanted to go to so won't be bothering with the extra 15 pounds. Championship grounds should mainly accommodate more away fans too.Give them the benefit of tdoubt and see how it actually works. Looked at the Sunderland site and the meltd own over Wembley tickets. Maybe this will solve that problem when super Stendel steers us to the play off final?
Agreed, should be easy to implement it over a 12 month rolling period, allocating points for games attended in the last 12 months which then "drop" off your total.
It looks more professional than we are used to but they have overdone it. Am sure it will settle down based on feedback. One thing I cannot fathom though is that I don't see how 5000 of us paying £15 for better access to away tickets is going to increase the capacity of the away end at Burton.
How many fans have applied for burton tickets this season? I’m willing to have a large gamble it isn’t anywhere near 5000
But the point you were trying to make isn’t as big a problem as imagined I’d say. Yes burton do not have an away end big enough to hold everyone, we’ve sold out today for example but it stands to reason that not every one of our season ticket holders applied.
I don’t get to many away games these days , my knees aren’t what they were a few years ago and the thought of standing even though I’ve rented a seat doesn’t bear thinking about tbh. I think the club would do well if they could nominate a block disguised as a singing section but nudge nudge saying if your gonna stand get in there and leave sit darners alone lol. Having said that I’ll get the super dooper plus whatever it is this season and see what it brings for the home fans . If I don’t like it or it’s not worth me bothering I’ll not get one next year , simples.
Sounds good for fans living a long way from Barnsley who find it difficult to get to all the matches. At least we can contribute.
The point is if everyone who goes away gets the membership then it's pointless everyone will be the same level anyway, then it just comes a tax on fans.
If it only benefits travelling fans then yes I agree but early indications are that they’ll be benefits for home fans as well
Need to see how it pans out but it looks like a reasonable attempt to offer things to all - a membership scheme that is effectively free to fans who go to at least 6 games and a optional charge to get priority for away tickets - its not perfect but seems a step in the right direction. Lets see how it works, I am sure it will need some tweaking but hard to knock it at this stage