Read my historical posts. Proving yourself to be a right silly Billy here. I'm a socialist, a remainer and as anti-right wing as i could hope to be. So you're so wide of the mark it's laughable. It's bonkers that you consider someone pointing out that celtic and rangers fans have historically been as bad as the other would make then a tory. Mind-boggling this site at times.
No need to shout Lad! I wasn't suggesting you were a Brexiteering right wing demagogue! I was simply suggesting that; you could read people's minds/motives; you describe your own views as 'evidence' and you make fatuous remarks. Viola Mrs May! Rather like the Brexit discussion I don't think there is going to be a meeting of minds here so shall we just leave it and move on.
Just 2 games? And mcgeehan got 3 for a stamp which he still stated after was accidental and video evidence was inconclusive. The Scottish f.a are lenient.
Not murder yet as far as I'm aware he is still fighting for his life. Hope he pulls through
Redrum yes I'm sorry for wrong info. I did actually read that he has died but now realise that was B/S. Some people posting wrong info on Internet and people like me believing it. Hoping the lad pulls through.