Ha ha, just remind me which Govts have run the armed forces and Police down these last 6 years or so.FFS you couldn’t make half of this up.
A threat is a threat unfortunately. Why wouldn't I not compare the two fascist, dictatorial organisations? they bare very close comparison in terms of doctrine if not capability. The Americans are our allies. Sure, they make some sensational blunders in terms of foreign affairs but without them in 1917 / 18 and again in 1942 / 45 we would all very likely be Deutsch sprechen. Barnsley Fußballverein ? has an interesting ring to it does it not?
So you don't see a problem with members of our armed services suggesting, however light heartedly, that they would be prepared to turn their weapons on the legitimately elected leader of Her Majesty's opposition? Seriously? You can't see a problem with that at all?
Thing is a clerical/admin worker in the Civil Service could quite easily face serious disciplinary action for being involved in actions not viewed as serious as this.
Nope. Im pretty non plussed about a few squaddies using a Corbyn poster as a target. I hold the same opinion if the mug shot was May Bliar Thatcher Trump Etc. Its young lads in a warzone blowing off a bit of steam inbetween roadside patrols and IED dodging before spending their latter years getting ****** by the country that sent them there.
Actually if you look at any data, you'll find that the armed forces have been decreasing steadily since the second world war, under multiple parties in power. Never mentioned police.
It’s all cut- backs and affects security whether Police or not though and I’m sure data would provide info that these cutbacks have never been as drastic.
as an ex member of the armed forces and having watched the video i'm ashamed, call yourselves professionals. . . . . w**k grouping and it should be double tap centre mass
Don't get the Corbyn love in. He's willing to do a Nick Clegg and cavort with the tories for a sniff of power n' to look like the saviour of Brexit. I'm certain he thinks he's Jesus Christ.
They should be held to standards of conduct, which I would suggest should include not shooting at a photo of a citizen of the country they signed up to protect. Being in the army doesn't give them carte blanche to act like *****.
Total ******, Corbyn personally wants Brexit,albeit a softer one than the Tories ( I disagree with him, BTW) The Tories will use Corbyn now to try and mask their 2 and a half years of doing basically nothing.
As an ex soldier I am in two minds about this. I've grown up a lot since I left the Army and my whole attitude has changed quite a lot but this kind of thing has always gone on - it did when I served in the 90's. It was always meant as a bit of fun and as far as I am aware nobody I served with ever repeated the target practise in real life. Squaddie humour is quite dark at times and sometimes it doesn't translate well to civvie life. As the person I am now I don't like what they have done, I find it a little crass and unnecessary but these will be young men having a bit of fun so I don't want them to be painted as monsters because they're not. They got caught and will be dealt with; that's for sure but what should be remembered is that squaddies don't just turn up to the ranges on their own, there are always senior ranks with them so this would have been something they knew about. Also there does seem to be a lot of double standards. I wonder if there would be the same outrage if it was Trump or Thatcher on the target. I doubt it very much.
Is he ****! He’s going to turn up, realise Teresa is trying to use him to pass the blame and walk out laughing his cokc off, meanwhile the tories continue tearing themselves apart.
You were right bang on until you betrayed your love for the tories again mate! They should be ashamed, they won’t be as they won’t see what they’ve done is wrong, that’s what saddens me.
I'm talking about some sections of social media and this forum. There is no way there would have been any outrage if it was Thatcher, Trump or a Tory being shot at. And you're wrong that the Army would have dealt with it any differently - I remember a couple of lads being disciplined for doing something similar with an image of Mcguinness and John Major. They were caught and it was dealt with.