Just had an injection, through the end of my nose. Was quite bad. Probably had a few more painful procedures though: Scraping plaque from gums. Falling off a mountain bike at 30 MPH, breaking an arm, 3 ribs & leaving a 4 inch gash in my chest. Having to get back on the bike & ride 6 miles to the nearest train station (in Perth, Australia). Open heart surgery. (Not that, but having the stiches out & some pipes removed from my body, aged 7). Game on.
Once had root canal jobby. 6 injections failed to numb it. So they (5 of them) pinned me down held on like f*** and decided to inject me directly into the nerve. By the Christ did it sting. 200 quid that cost. Even more painful I had to pay 40 quid 2 months later for them to take it out anyway. ********.
Was this nasal injection applied pursuant to medical advice, or experimentally self inflicted? Just curious.
Ouch, I had the umbrella up the japs-eye test when I came back from Kenya while I was in the Army (the whole platoon had it). That was painful.
Getting hit on the inside of the knee with a cricket ball hit with full force whilst fielding at short leg.
foreskin caught in zip apparently. Falling down on gravel hands first and loosing 2 fingernails clean off did chafe a tad.