In addition to being voted into the League one Team of the season with 2 other colleagues and Daniel Stendel, They have been voted onto the overall EFL Team covering all 3 divisions. Well done.
Thread over at the Sunderland forums about the awards. It's a busy old place, I'll give them that, but it's got to be the most bizarre fans forum going. The hypocrisy is genuinely breathtaking. Still waiting for any evidence to back up the 'Stendel throwing his toys' post on there the other day, as it happens, but then this golden nugget of irony concerning the awards. From a board where the daft FA conspiracy theories on here are rightly mocked; "I think you need to realise people where (sic) never going to vote for the club they perceived to be operating at an unfair advantage. Voting was clearly for everyone else but us. So be it we shouldn’t have been in the division let’s just hope we get out before they drag the club down to their level. If there was an award for best thing to happen to the division this season Iam sure they would vote for us then given the revenue benefits from our games." Hahahaha hahaha etc.
It's easy to not vote for players in a team where guys in the third tier are earning in the region of 30k a week. Award teams though should be announced when the season has completely finished. Four players and our manager picked the other week will count for nothing if we are still in this league in August.