If you have just committed a criminal offence and you want to get away before you get caught you are probably fleeing, if it is knocking off time at the end of an uneventful day then you are probably just going home .....
How do we tell the difference between one and the other? For instance, if Joey Barton was just going home could we tell by looking at the footage?
Fleeing is a bit much, hes hardly going to go on the run is he. At worst getting away so he cant be questioned straight away and get some legal advice.
He would have been able to get legal advise when arrested. He never got arrested last night, looks like they tried to make a swift exit as they never went to do a post match presser.
Yes but being able to sit down and get some legal advice before being questioned is very useful. Police prefer to question people as quickly as possible.
Doubt in this instance he will have much defence their is a minimum of 22 witnesses and whitey has probley got it all on video. Could say self defence but stendel doesn't strike me as a violent person. I just can't believe they didn't lock him up for it yesterday