.... but it would be nice to know how Daniel is. Hopefully he's ok, and we'll get an update on him soon.
Can anyone answer why the police have not arrested or questioned him yet? If it was you or i i am sure we would have been helping with their enquiries .
I'm assuming it was a fractured skull as If it had happened in a pub, Barton would have been in a cell overnight for questions in the morning Not sure why he's been allowed to go home?
Think you've kind of answered your own question. They don't need to arrest him to help with enquiries. They know who he is, where he lives/works, so they can take his statement/question him at a later point. No need to arrest him. Every reason to charge him, but that should come later... hopefully.
Piece from Sky Sports seems to suggest that Daniel is OK after being head butted by Barton. I personally think that once the Police establish the exact facts, sometime during next week,Barton will be seen. There is a possibility of course that he might say Daniel started it and he was just defending himself. Once they are party to the actual facts, if it can be proved that Barton was the aggressor, we can only hope that the Fleetwood Board would in all probability be obliged to terminate his Contract. https://www.skysports.com/football/...ed-joey-barton-clash-following-fleetwood-game
Daily Record suggest he head butted Daniel causing him to lose teeth. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/joey-barton-headbutted-barnsley-boss-14312768
That's only possible if Daniel threw the first punch. There isn't any kind of verbal abuse which warrants knocking someone's teeth out.
With the police allowing him to leave the scene it now allows time to concoct a story and collaborate that with colleagues if they were minded to do so. A strange approach to policing even if the culprit is easily identifiable.
As I understand it, police have already taken a statement, but he will have formal questioning next week after evidence, statements etc have been gathered.
I've got this horrible feeling that the establishment will close ranks round the lamebrain and twist it so that Daniel was in someway to blame. If it ever gets to Court, Woodrow and Thiam will be discredited as reliable witnesses as they'll be accused of siding with their boss. I know it's wrong but Barton's a celebrity and they can get away with just about anything these days!
I’ve lived in the same house and worked at the same company for 19 years but if I Stuck a headbut on someone in wakey on a Saturday evening I’d be in the cells no question.
the club must make the most of this and push to prosecute Barton to the maximum the law will allow. Keeping Stendel depends on it. If I was assaulted in the workplace whilst being completely innocent and my employer didn't back me, I'd be gone first opportunity. It may well not be this summers transfer business that shows our owners intent, it will be their reaction to this thuggery.
The responses here are rather missing the point of the o/p. It wouldn’t have killed the Club to give the supporters an update on Daniel’s wellbeing. Not from a ‘criminal act’ point of view, just because we actually care how he is.