99% chance it's going to be a sell out. I get paid this Friday, so I hope I'm not too late to buy a ticket
Sell out? Nah, can’t see it. Depending what they bring, it’ll be 15-16k ish. We didn’t sell out for the Wallsall Play-Off leg a few years ago either. Also some folk are away Still I guess, or if not have spent a load this weekend already. Capacity of full home end without any split in North Stand is circa 17k.
Can’t see us splitting the North stand but I am sure we could open the full West if we really needed to but don’t expect us to need to do that. Maybe sell a few in WUB but that would be all. We can’t be promoted on Saturday no matter what happens elsewhere.
Just read Blackpool only lost 6 away all season that’s slightly concerning. Winning on Saturday not a foregone conclusion by any means. In fact it looks a harder game than the Bristol match
Without spouting the clichés too much, I’m not sure any game in the football league is a foregone conclusion. I’m hoping the fact that they don’t really have anything to play for will benefit us and their players will be ‘on the beach’ mentally. It’s another big game and should be a good atmosphere.
Looking on the Eticketing map every section of our two and a half home ends are already low on available tickets. I would hope we will crack 13,000 home fans again.
True but a draw isn’t any good to us. We have to win. Beating Blackpool is as simple as beating Coventry or Pompey was at home
Maybe but I think we've got our scoring boots back on.And lindsay to shore up the other end.I m not going to be negative until I have to.
Norwich and stoke fans were separated today bu about twenty seats width today and a dozen stewards. We always go over top on segregation.