Just seen a FB about her legal reps fighting to get her legal aid. The post was.. volatile. Saying "she never paid any tax and her family is on benefits", plus the fact she fled to join ISIS. And they "don't want to hear any left wing views on the matter!" Well, now.. this is going to be an entertaining week.
Not wanting to hear any other views on any matter is always disturbing. Also, why post it on Social Media if other views are not wanted/ welcome. Just post it on a ‘dedicated’ Website then perhaps only like- minded will comment.
She did a despicable thing and she should have the full justice system thrown at her. What worries me is this case has set a precedent. Government stripped her of her citizenship, so where will that take things in future? In my eyes she shouldve been brought back and put on trial, same as bin Laden shouldve been made to answer questions instead of burying those answers for good, at sea.
Like it or not , the laws the law ( we have the magna carta to thank for that ) which also happens to be a very right wing view . If the state has acted illegally , no matter how distasteful the situation may seem then there's nothing anyone can do apart from berate the government of the time who made the decision to act illegally . Of course the case is pending so we shall see but surely the government should have sought legal precedent first before making a decision .
Home Secretary Javid knows that what he has done is unlawful. But he also knows he will have fought his Tory leadership contest before the court case is (inevitably) lost. It's a cynical old world out there guys and girls.
I've said my opinion above. Personally I've never heard anyone (left or right leaning) say they think she should come back and live as though nothing happened. If they do they need their heads checking.
She turned her back on the west to join a terrorist group that was hell bent on the destruction of the west, beheading, setting fire too, having 50 tonne tanks roll over the heads of people who dont agree with there twisted, middle aged ideology, a group that hated everything about the west, who murdered, raped women, children and the elderly, if she does come back I hope she is taken by the intelligence service, SAS, or whoever, killed, cremated out in the sticks and her ashes sprinkled on a motorway somewhere, a vile creature, who should be put down like the dog she is
Wow. No matter how much of a wrong un you are alleged to be you are entitled to a fair trial. Legal aid allows fair trials to happen. If we start dispensing summary justice and denying due process then we are no better than those we claim to oppose.
Sorry , wrote it in response to "don't want to hear any left wing views on the matter !" Quote on the initial post. Politics has nothing to do with this matter . Doesn't matter if your left , or right wing.......
Of course she should have legal aid. Everyone gets legal aid for a trial. You can't just strip someone of their citizenship and then say they can have no legal aid to contest it; it's ridiculous and dangerous to set that precedent. Everyone has the right to a fair and equal trial - murderers, rapists, everyone. They may be the worst possible people to ever exist but you need the trial and the conviction to prove that and the consequences to subsequently be doled out. You don't just dole out the consequences without them having a chance to defend themselves, as obvious and clear cut as the verdict may appear to be.
She should face the judicial system of Syria, afterall that is where she carried out/ joined ISIS. I dont get this " she should come back and face our judicial system" why ???? She committed no offence on British soil, let the Syrians sort the pig out