As they are already relegated that’s not likely. Might be an extra League 1 place Actually might be 2 extra in L1 if Coventry don’t sort out A ground.
It’s worse than that it’s asking the kids to break a strike. Not sure it will work though as if the ground staff and stewards aren’t being paid either I can’t see them turning up either.
Sounds like the takeover is off now as well which could lead to liquidation
To be honest the judge at the high Court hearing a few weeks ago should have seen this coming. The only deal on the table was Bassini, already been bankrupt 2/3 times almost took Watford under, if liquidation had happened a few weeks ago then the leagues could have been restructured and the fans could have started AFC Bolton in the northern counties league.
Disgusting farnham . I'm sure those young lads ll be worrying about their future careers , what to do for best . What if they go against the EFL and refuse to play ,Could that damage future job prospects ? I'm sure it's entered their heads . Making them play is just taking advantage of them .
Totally agree. I know a few Bolton fans & they are OK. It is the ordinary folk that keep all the clubs going that are worst hit. It would be totally wrong for them to be in L1 next year, still paying players silly money & not paying these people. Let them have to reapply to join whatever league will take them & maybe a few other clubs might just take note.
I know it's upsetting for Bolton fans and employees but the romantic in me is hoping this could be the first shot in a war that brings the game to its senses. Short term pain may lead to employees at other clubs having safer jobs, creditors confidence in actually being paid what they're owed rather than 10p in the pound every time a club goes into admin and the cheating taken out of the game I have absolutely no realistic hope that it will be however.
I'm loving this. Comeuppance for relegating us by cheating = no more Bolton Wanderers. Please make it so!
They cheated last season and should be kicked out the league / be demoted by a couple of divisions. There are lots of other teams cheating and they should face a similar fate. There needs to be a proper deterrent to stop clubs living beyond their means
I agree with what you say, Birmingham cheated and got punished wolves lost millions each month last season reportedly where's their punishment.
Not me. I am pragmatic about it as I have felt that it needs a 'big' / well known club to fold to bring some sanity to the game. But it doesn't fill me with any job if / when it happens.
Think I've read somewhere that they are also facing a winding up order Tuesday.. over a non paid tax bill... It Could be really interesting this coming week...
Think it's the following week. They had until the 8th of May to get the takeover done which is looking very unlikely now so liquidation is very much on the cards
Could be wrong but I have a feeling that the EFL cant touch them whilst in the Prem as it is two different entities.
If they go into liquidation does this mean an extra promotion slot? And then league 1, 1 less relegation spot or 1 more promotion spot or less relegation 1 spot in league 2. Would they have to reform in league 2? Think I've worked those permutations out on 6 pints correctly??!