How about this? The same footprint as the existing land, leaves the West Stand in place for use as offices, bar, clubshop etc... Still more than enough space for a 25,000 seater stadium (the grey box is the same size as the existing stadium), car parking and training facilities. No need to alter existing roads, can't imagine there'd be any complaints from residents as the ground would be further away from housing. We get a new stadium and we get to keep the West Stand. Everyone wins. Apart from Chien Lee, probably cost a few bob! Yes, I know there are on-going issues with land ownership as well...
I like it. The ground needs a bit of minor surgery but that's all. OK the West stand needs more extensive surgery.
The ground looks ramshackle, it's been thrown up at different times so nothing flows, and aside from the corporate stuff in the East Stand the facilities in all four stands are woefully inadequate. And don't get me started on the players coming out of the North Stand...
I love it for all its flaws. I concede it needs a face lift but I don't want it knocking down. I have no doubt that better facilities can be incorporated into the ground now.
Does it? Think the three new stands compliment each other....West Stand does need work but your 'plan' looks like the old cliche of taking a sledgehammer to smash a nut
I just don't think there is the demand or need for a new ground. Oakwell is our ground and I hope we stay exactly where we are, investing money into improvements.
Are you actually suggesting knock down the training facilities as well? Our training and academy facilities have a good reputation in England as being one of the best outside the premier league. The north stand doesn’t need touching. The east stand doesn’t need touching and the Ponty end doesn’t need touching, you’re just spending money that doesn’t need to be spent here in the slightest.
A new stadium is inevitable and when it happens it'll probably be to some brownfield site that's barely within the Barnsley area. This is just to show that it's possible to build a new stadium within the existing land and still keep the West Stand in situ.
Yeah, seems an overkill. 3/4 of the ground is ok. Just West Stand which wants smartening up. No one in their right mind would pay the costs to do this which doesn’t give us anymore then we already have. Anyway, doing this would also mean us training elsewhere for 2 years.
Who said it's inevitable apart from you? Never once been mentioned by owners. Think we are pretty unique have facilities all on one site - I'm sure someone will tell me differently
Why inevitable? You thinking they’ll cash in on the land? I doubt BMBC will release the land to BFC without a restricted convenance in place specifically stopping this. This was the whole point of BMBC taking the land on in the first place.
I totally agree, everything should be on one site. Anyway, it's just an idea people! Just trying to come up with a way to preserve the "precious" West Stand.