I have this nagging feeling that we'll have a similar contract situation to the 16/17 season even if we get promoted with Pinnock, Lindsay, Pinnilos, Dougall, McGeehan and Thiam all out of contract end of next season plus Davies Jackson Cavare and Hedges out of contract this year. 6 of our best 11 could be leaving on frees end of next year and using that to force a sale in January. I hope the board learns from their predecessors' experiences. As other people have said you see what can happen to the likes of the Blunts if the core of a team sticks together. What do we do?
The board have come out several times and said if a player is on 12 month left and he doesn't want to sign a contract then he will be sold in the summer of that season. So there's what the chairmans said we're doing. Could lead to a few leaving this summer mind.
There ought to be no need to repeat this... The current management don't need the cash. Any player whos performing and wants to stay will stay. Any player who wants to leave will leave. It's not a financial decision, but a tactical one - start with Davies; a key player who's who's been offered a deal, he clearly (and rightly) believes he'll be in the Championship next year on a decent salary - if we're promoted we can put a decent offer on the table but he's a decent bloke in an industry with a limited lifespan - he has to go where it's right for him. I hope it'll be Barnsley - but if it's not, who can blame him. Same story elsewhere - any decent player is being offered extended contracts - if they leave then we have to accept that - we shouldn't feel that our club is more important than their careers. I think the current regime has the talent and wherewithall to sort it out for the benefit of the club. The stated aim is to be a successful Championship club (at the very least) because that's where the financial reward lies. Why do we worry that the management can't achieve that.
I recommend you do what I'm doing and have a few beers. We'll cross those bridges when we get to them...
He is waiting to see what division were in. I cant think of any championship side that would give him first choice keeping so I think he may stay.
I misread - apologies. It's not a secret that there has been a contract offer, but Davies is (rightly?) waiting to see whether he can get a better deal at the end of the season whether at Barnsley or elsewhere - once he's out of contract. There's no secret that the club are investing in the future and have offered extended contracts to all the first team (and possibly beyond), however there are a small number of negative minds who put more emphasis on the flipside of that situation - 'any player who doesn't see their future at Barnsley can leave, we won't stand in their way'. It's a daft viewpoint to only see that as negative - if we're not happy at work, we don't perform well - that's as true for a warehouse operative as a doctor or a sportsman.
But the club haven’t offered him a new contract? Unless I’ve missed that story. And if you believe the rumours he’s on his way in the Summer to play back up in the Prem and take a significant pay rise in the process. His performances have been superb this season, especially the last three months.
You must have missed it - I'm fairly certain it was mentioned by Conway on the Tykes talk video, I'm sure I've heard it elsewhere too But why would you assume he hasn't been offered a contract? Again it's been stated by the club reps numerous times that they're trying to get all their chosen players on longer contracts. And as you rightly say - his performance this season has been superb. It takes a special type of daftness to assume he'd not be offered a contract in those circumstances.
A special kind of daftness? Nicely worded considering you’re not certain where you’ve seen the news he was offered one, especially when he was in the chronicle saying he wasn’t talking to the club about a contract and one wasn’t on offer. Like I’ve said, if he’s been offered big big money to go elsewhere and be back up and we’re aware of that, maybe we know we can’t compete and as a result haven’t offered a contract? Nothing daft about this assessment at all.
Just ask yourself... Why would the club have not offered him a contract prior to Christmas whilst they were sorting all the other contracts out? If you can't come up with a very solid reason - then it'd be fair to accept that it almost certainly happened.
Just watched the Tykes TV interview again, and Conway clearly stated that they offered contracts to players with less than a year left on their current contracts, and that they'd sell players who didn't want to sign. He wouldn't discuss individuals, but hearing his words again - we're lucky they didn't sell Davies in the January window.
If players don’t want to sign new contracts then as sad as I would be, I would have no complaints selling them in the summer. It’s selling on last day of window or in January that does my head in
I thought Davies said in an interview he put all talks on hold until the Summer? That suggests there has been dialogue from the club towards him.
If that's the philosophy, and one I can see a lot of benefits to, why didn't we either offer new contracts to or sell Cavare, Jackson, Hedges and Davies last summer, when they only had a year left on their current deals?