Especially that clueless **** Morpeth Mackem, who's even an embarrassment to Sunderland fans on their forum.
Joking aside, fair play to them. I predicted they would piss the league with 100 pts and us with 90pts in August, l'm not far off. They'll probably win the play offs.
Sunderland are like the blunts, never been promoted via the play offs.......despite about five or so goes at it
Personally hope Sunderland get promoted now. Great fans ... deserve better. Every club has a few morons (including our own).
Many of them are quite gracious in defeat on their board. Morpeth Marra being a knob as usual but getting put in his place.
I have a lot of time for Sunderland fans. Most of them are proper fans. I would be more than happy to see them win the play offs, although they are not looking in good shape for them at the moment. I would be ok with any of the 4 / 5 who can make the play offs winning them other than Portsmouth. Too many of them are bell ends for my liking.
What's a Marra you eh? Gota no respect? Why you looka so sad? It's a not so bad League ones a nica place Ah shadupa you face