It would be a disappointment to finish fourth bottom but it would be something to build on, safe is safe and there’s little difference between 21st and 7th by the time the season after that starts. We won’t finish that low though - if we keep the core of the squad together and the manager. If we don’t, who knows.
I'd settle for that Ian. Winning more than we lose and walking back into town celebrating a few home wins.
If we finish in the bottom 6 then we have not progressed from the Cryne era. We have had 14 years of bumping along the bottom of the Championship or top of the 1st Division now for far too long. And as a result many supporters have walked away from the club. Familiar faces that were sat near you but are no longer going to Oakwell. We need to get those supporters back. And no - this isn’t a dig at Patrick Cryne. I wouldn’t do that - Im only stating facts.
If for whatever reason we end up having to do another total rebuild, I forsee a season of struggle and back to square one again. If that were to happen for whatever reason, it would leave a lot of people very disillusioned with things, and serious questions would be asked of the new owners. I guess a lot depends on whether Stendel genuinely believes that he can get us challenging at the top of the league, or whether he just sees us as a stepping stone to a more lucrative job.
Once again.......many supporters have NOT left the club. Some have. It's natural churn that has always gone on. Others replace them. If there had been an exodus of disenchanted supporters then crowds would be down. Are they down?
Success would be keeping the squad together and building for the future Failure would be not doing so. We must learn from our mistakes
21st wouldn't be failure but I'd be disappointed. I'm not expecting miracles but I am hoping for an impetus from the owners that no previous board have ever been able to give the club. I'd like to be challenging at the top end in three years time.
And not forgetting that it's entirely possible that some of those missing "familiar faces" have simply moved their seats.
I haven't had a season ticket for years. Every time I go I'm surrounded by unfamiliar faces cos I sit in a different seat each time.
If those supporters haven't returned during this fantastic, exhilarating season, then a season of comfortable mid-table Championship football isn't going to bring them back.
I agree. Those people are probably gone for good, barring another Premiership season. The club has to continue looking forward and getting the next generation hooked. The Kids Day was a great idea and should be repeated on a pretty regular basis. As should Kid For A Quid and anything else like that. Once a Red, always a Red.