Out of a proper celebration. I was at home, on my own, when we secured promotion. Yesterday, the team and a thousand or so of our fans were down in Bristol. A few thousand were watching TV in the Ponty. But more than half of the regulars were at neither. No dancing in the director's box like 79, 81 or 97. No national stadium victory with half the town present like 06 or 16. I haven't seen the team to applaud them and won't until August, by which time half of them might have gone! I haven't even seen me dad who I've sat or stood next to at over a thousand Barnsley matches. All seems a bit odd and some what of an anticlimax to what has been a remarkable season.
I was packing my suitcase for my holiday, I got excited telling the wife we'd been promoted, then got told to shut up and pack because the kids were in bed... At work they said "I bet you're buzzing aren't you?" but I wasn't because it's being there experiencing it with other fellow reds and the players which is part of the excitement. But I'd take this over getting into the playoffs any day..
Well unless you are going away next week there is the open top bus going from ground and ending up at Town Hall, on Wednesday starting at 6.30
I was on nights Tuesday and due to summat going off I was robbed of celebrating until around midnight and to be honest it felt like another side had won promotion not mine same yesterday I was sat at home with my granddaughter.
We haven’t all been cheated. Those who were in Bristol yesterday celebrating throughout the 90 minutes and especially post game experienced a great climax to a fantastic season.
I think there’s something in this (and I was there yesterday). Just thinking about it a bit more, although we haven’t had the ‘Big Bang’ of previous promotions, we should take the joy from some extraordinary performances that the team have produced through the whole season, in the teeth of real adversity. I’ve been to lots of away matches and there have been some fantastic moments, on an off the pitch, but my most joyful was sat on the settee in my front room when Jacob Brown popped in the winner at Walsall. Poor joy. There have been many moments like that so just immerse yourself in the afterglow.
There's been some amazing moments, the high point for me being the second half display at Southend with 10 men. That was as good a performance as I've ever seen from a Barnsley team,. Just think it's a shame we couldn't all be in Oakwell to enjoy the feeling of promotion after all that hard work from the team.
Hard lines lad. You could’ve gone to Bristol. You could’ve beam backed. You could’ve just had a few pints with some mates in Wakey and been happy. At least you’ve got snooker to watch today.
Ironically, I’ve only seen Barnsley lose once this season. That was away at Sunderland and without doubt the best hour of football that the Reds have played in my lifetime!!
I get this completely. I was in a hotel room on my own in Stevenage when promotion was confirmed. No matter how happy about it you are, it feels flat when you are on your tod, as if it was happening to someone else. So I was hoping that the beam back would make up for it when we won the league. But in the end, the team just weren't on it and lost to the team with the worst home record in the league. So we all streamed out and went home. Nothing further to do. Thst's why it just seemed a bit odd to see the team on the bus home last night doing the ole's as if we had won the league. We hadn't and the promotion euphoria was over. I don't begrudge the team celebrating at all, far from it. But I have passed the age where I am still feeling the need to get pissed and sing ole's 4 days after a promotion from L1. Can't go to the town centre thing next week. I'll be at work. But it would feel a bit 'yesterday's news' anyway - it would be more than a week after the event. So in effect, there were no celebrations. Not for me any road. I never got the chance.
In '97, I was stuck in London getting ready for an interview at Saint Martins Art school on the Monday. Watched the results on BBC videprinter. Didn't even pass the interview.. If that's any consolation. Isn't there a parade on Wednesday?
I feel quite similarly, and in terms of the season itself I've seen us win away fewer times than I did last season when we went down. Other than Rochdale and Walsall away it's been horrendous viewing for me on the whole. However, we're up and that's all that matters. Really glad the majority of the lads that were relegated last season get to have another crack at it because by God they've earned it.
First promotion I've missed since I started going in the mid sixties. I do feel like I've missed out. Let's hope Whitey and the team put together a humdinger of a promotion special video.
I'm probably a bit of a miserable git, but I can't understand the open top bus stuff for a promotion from the third division... even if we'd gone up as champions...it's not as though we'd won the FA Cup. If it makes others happy that's great but it's a bit of a non event for me.
I also feel it's been a bit of an anticlimax. Enjoyed having a beer on the couch Tuesday but that's been the height of the celebrations for me. Went to the beam back yesterday hoping that would be an occasion but due to the game itself, the weather and the fact that it was near impossible to get a beer at half time, I left feeling pretty let down. Still have great memories of the season though.
I sort of felt last Saturday that I was celebrating when we clapped them on the pitch and Stendel was getting smothered Enjoying the social media stuff though.
Yesterday may have been somewhat of an anticlimax but cheated? No way. It’s certainly a lot better feeling than the one I had at the end of last season. That felt like being cheated in every sense of the word. We were cheated!