I know what you mean; I was at Bristol yesterday but it all felt a bit surreal, especially as we lost. I have really enjoyed this season though as feel privileged to have witnessed some great footballing moments but wish all fans could have shared this but sure when it sinks in I will be elated. I’m now starting to worry about 3 months without football and how hard the Championship might be, so normal service will soon be resumed.
I'm same. Tuesday night watching sky coz i was on 5 am days and now on weekend nights too but gerrin rat arsed Wednesday.
I understand that. We got promoted as second best back to a league we should be in at the very least. We got promoted four days previous and celebrations happened Tuesday night. To finish the season by getting stopped at averaging two points a game by the team with the worse home record was a disappointing end. We have had a great season and have a great set or lads, but a open top bus another four days from the defeat seems odd. We will be celebrating promotion over a week late. Any parade should have been during bank holiday weekend when it would be more convenient for folks.
I’m sure plenty of supporters will be there to enjoy it, to celebrate etc. And whilst I get the thought process behind Jay’s post at the top, I find it beautifully BBS to have a fcukin thread whingeing about the end of one of the greatest seasons we’ve ever had. Never change.
Multitude of options available to fans since Tuesday to get involved and enjoy the glorious achievement yet it’s an anti climax because someone hasn’t bothered. Classic BBS, as you say.
We said this last night. Last week we were cheated out of a celebration with players, due to the pitch invasion. Then, on Tuesday, I was delighted we'd done it before the game, but I was driving til late on, so couldn't celebrate. Yesterday was a bit of an anticlimax. The beam back was good, but lacking in atmosphere, and when the goal went in at the end, everyone seemed to get up and trudge off. We stayed and watched the celebrations on screen, but it still seemed weird. So we headed into town looking for some celebrations. Couldn't get anywhere near the bar in the Garrison, so headed to the pubs at the top of the arcade, where music was being played so loudly, that you couldn't hear yourself think, let alone celebrate. We headed back to Garrison, to witness the Barnsley branch of the Liverpool supporters club, celebrate. Eventually we trundled off home, feeling bereft of any kind of celebration. And as for cheated - I definitely felt cheated that small, warm bottles of Coors were being sold at £4 a go. I thought there were supposed to be offers on. I'm going to the parade on Wednesday, so hopefully it will be a bit more celebratory, then.
The players singing on the coach was presumably just a continuation of the party we had at the final whistle yesterday. I get for those weren't there it was just a flat result at the game was different. Again it's a shame that we couldn't have been playing somewhere with a bigger away end but you cant please everyone and it was beyond our control. Due to the small allocation most of the reds fans in the ground yesterday were those who follow us up and down the country, a nice reward for them. Personally I enjoyed it more than any other game this season.
I’ve been saying the same. It all feels a bit weird. Every time we’ve achieved anything I’ve been there or in the pub celebrating with mates. There’s a good chance you’ll never get to applaud several of them as well including the captain which makes it even weirder
For family related emergency health reasons I was on my own in a bar in Paphos on Tuesday night. Very odd experience. Be nice to get a home game on the last day of the season next year whatever the outcome. Always nicer to finish that way.....
If we'd have been champions after winning at Oakwell some would have found something to moan about, so glad we're not in the play offs!!!!!!
I was in Protaras when i got the text we were up which was a great feeling but not the same in the middle of the night but i certainly made up for it next afternoon.
One of the strangest games I’ve ever watched that. Played some incredible stuff & came out thinking we could win the league despite getting beat 4-2
I undertstand people's feelings about yesterday. I was there, and it was still a little bit weird, but for me the whole season has been fantastic, and any feelings of emptiness on my part are probably down to the season finishing. I feel very lucky, because apart from the Checkatrade I've seen every league and cup fixture, and have had some fantastic days out with good company. How we got there is going to be far more important than how we celebrated in my mind.
To be fair I thought I was in a very small minority of one untill I came on here. I dont feel "cheated" as some have put however it's all made me look things differently and take stock.
Not cheated, just a little bit of an anti-climax. But I would take that over the grey hair and sleepless nights I had in the play-offs....