Personally I find it sad that in 2019 people are celebrating the birth of another heriditary member of the aristocracy to lord over them. But hey, can't wait for the baby pics in the Daily Mail!
The Royals attract sizeable amounts of revenue every year, with foreign visitors clamouring to come and stay in the U.K. for the opportunity to see the inside of Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, The Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace etc. We visited the latter when we had a break in London for our wedding anniversary. If you get the chance go and have a look. It's steeped in the history of Henry V111's reign and it's an all day job. We spent a good seven hours there, but never saw everything there was to see. During the day, they have a cast of professional actors who re- enact some of the events that happened there. They call for volunteers from visitors to take part in their cameos. For a laugh, I volunteered. At that point we were taken to an upstairs room to rehearse the part we were to play a couple of hours later. We were selected for the roles we were going to play and what we had to say. The play revolved around the fact, that on that very day, Henry had been told that his beloved wife Ann Boleyn ,had committed adultery and incest and was also part of a plot to kill himself the King. Myself and my fellow visitors were to act as the Kings Counsel and I was given the role of the Duke of Westmorland. At that point the door opened and in walked a massive bloke with a large beard, who was dressed exactly as King Henry was in the various pictures on show around the Palace. The Counsel began and Henry was given all kinds of advice on how to deal with his errant wife. He had to appear distressed especially when several of the players recommended she should suffer a truly horrendous death. There was a sideboard to the left with three decanters labelled Whisky, Gin and Port in them. Henry asked me if I could pour him a Whisky. As I raised the decanter to pour his whisky into a glass, Henry said " have you got a large one Westmorland." Quick as a flash and with the answer not being in the script. I improvised by saying " No your Royal Highness, it's the way my trousers are hanging". I'm not jesting or joking, Henry started sobbing with laughter and it took him a full three minutes to compose himself sufficiently so that he could carry on. We bumped into him in a different part of the Castle later in the day and he cracked up again. All in all it's a great day out and one I would do again if the opportunity ever presents itself in the future.
Around 1985 I was working in a garage in Windsor when prince Charles came in and said... Excuse me my good fellow... Do you have any of those dammed things called condons... In my best English I replied afraid not sir...adding for future reference sir.. We sell petrol and spare parts for cars... Mmm said Charles.... in that case do you have a coil to fit a 81 princess...
It's just a play on words mate, it's not taken in the concept as it was say 500 years ago when you would be beheaded for saying anything anti monarchy. Its just a piece of history what the easily offended have yet to get eradicated from the British forces history, bloody hell in court you can still swear on a bible to an imaginary sky wizard at a murder trial
Nice to hear you enjoyed yourself. However, I must point out that the buildings that you mention as tourist attractions are not members of the royal family. They are ancient monuments. Mind you, so is the Queen.
Yes I knew that KCP. It's now owned by a Charity called Royal Palaces, so our nigh on £40 entrance fee and the £ 10 booklet charge was probably going to go a worthy cause. There were loads of American, French and Chinese tourists there all keen to see what life was like during the reign of England's most controversial King. Well worth a visit, but some advice to anyone thinking of going. Dont eat in the food outlets in an around the Castle. We took sarnies and a bottle of Sprite apiece. When we left, we found a little bistro a short walk away from the Castle that backed onto the Thames, that served home made reasonably priced food.
I heard they we going to call him Mark Gary Darren Barry. Or, as his school friends would call him Mazza Gazza Dazza Bazza Windsor.
If its just a play on words then why have it? If I believed in God that wouldn't be a problem for me in court but I don't believe in monarchy hence the issue.
Ok, its history/ military history, every **** hole I have fought in / been too, never once in 30 odd years have i ever been told you are fighting for the queen, her heirs and successors, NEVER. You mean you dont like/ disagree with the monarchy I dont think you can " not believe" in something that is fact and very much believable
Heard a wag in Town discussing a new name for the Royal baby with his wife and couldn't help having a chuckle. He said they should call him Robert. That way, as another liability on the privy purse, the people would be able to address him as "Sponge Bob."!!!!
Its? I think He's is a bit more accurate Shame there is no chance he will ever be king - King Archie has a certain ring to it beyond that I really dont care