Well next year it will be at the lightbox, the Town hall balcony is **** for these types of things - the views terrible.
I'm glad I went, despite the cringeworthy MC and 1997 playlist. I got to applaud the players and feel part of the promotion celebration, which was the main thing.
I got a free handout of boneless fowl from UK Chicken (or summat), which was so gorgeous that the family went back later and paid for more!
Just looked at some video I took, loads of crowd noise packed in front of town hall. Have a look at Lutons bus and Hartfords tweets if you want boring! Anyway, here's to another next year!
I genuinely wonder how many of our fans who went to cheer our team at the Town Hall last night, were " furious", because we used a plain bus, that had been used the previous night for Sheffield United's celebrations.? https://www.thestar.co.uk/sport/foo...ed-s-plain-bus-for-promotion-parade-1-9758203
No one. I thought it looked great with the flags Luton's bus for comparison . https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-48169312