Danny knows full well about the trouble football has with monkeys chants or bananas being thrown on the pitch. It's willfully ignorant to suggest otherwise, especially given the spotlight it has been given this season. Very stupid and unthinking of him.
Yes, I knew she was black. No, it never occurred to me that there were any racial connotations whatsoever. There may be a long and well documented history of equating black people with monkeys, but not in my life. I haven't heard such foul garbage since I was a kid. It is not part of my make up in any way. I don't hear such things, I don't think such things, I don't say such things. Genuinely surprised people in this country still think that way. And feel sorry for you.
I just find it sad that a bloke whos got no history at all of racism and most people ive heard talk on the subject say that he isnt at all racist has lost his job for being racist, he clearly didnt mean it in the context it has been taken but because folk have chosen to be outraged hes got the tic tac.
When I first heard this news I just thought it was a dig at royal kids for being nothing more than performing circus animals. The racial angle never even occurred to me until I found out Markle was mixed race which was after I'd read a couple of stories on it. Whether Baker knew that or not I don't know, but it's easy to see why plenty of people are somewhat nonplussed by it all...
This has less to do with DB's peculiar sense of humour and everything to do with how tense British society is about these issues, how corporates quickly disassociate themselves from something potentially damaging, no reasoned or mature debate allowed. Hot potato. Quick. Get rid.
When everything has died down, Danny Baker's best mate Chris Evans could possibly recommend him for a slot on Virgin radio. Evans was sacked by the controllers of Virgins predecessor Absolute Radio in 2001. Since his defection from the BBC, quite a number of his former Radio 2 listeners have now switched to his programme on Virgin. Mr Evans therefore could appear to be very popular as far as the stations owners are concerned and who knows might well give Danny Baker a chance to return to the airwaves, in the hope he could boost their rating even further.
Not a fan of Danny Baker but he isn't stupid. Let's say he is a racist ( which I don't think he is) after covering it up successfully for thirty years, is he really going to out himself by comparing a mixed race baby to a chimpanzee? Is he heck. I'm glad to see the BBC using these people as scapegoats after covering up for paedos for thirty years though.
Awe, Your naivety is sweet. I guess you don’t read much on here if you’ve not read the various threads on here about people making monkey chants then at games this season?♂️
Why did you put the male symbol in that post? You are asserting male dominance over the female members of this forum. It's a hate crime. In fact it's bordering on assault in my book.
The website interpreted my shrug as a different symbol. Look I get that Brexit and access to the internet has got a lot of white men excited, and now there’s a lot to be made of making out victimhood to the PC gone mad brigade. Personally I don’t give two Sh@ts whether professional cockney w@nker Danny Baker keeps his job or not. But anyone claiming posting pictures of monkeys in association to a mixed race baby is not insensitive in the least is just playing to their own audience.
Not naivety mate, I just don't think black people are monkeys. And it never crosses my mind that anyone else does either.
I don't think anybody on here equates black people with monkeys so you're in good company but I'm amazed that you and Danny Baker aren't aware of the kind of racism displayed by a minority of football fans, monkey chants and bananas, that does.
I was aware of it 25 years ago. People didn't accept it, they were challenged, often directly, and it went away. And since when do we pander to the minority?
How on earth is that pandering to the minority? Lucky you not having to put up with racism as part of your daily life but unfortunately a lot of people still do have to put up with it.
But it hasn't gone away, or if it did it's coming back, and you must know that - ask Danny Rose. I don't understand how calling out Baker panders to the minority.
I must have been one of the last to realise Meghan Markle is mixed race. It suddenly clicked when I saw her mother at the wedding.