It's a fair point, but do we make the rules of our society based on those you describe above or on what is right? You know what is right just like I do. Do you really believe that a broadcaster of 25 years plus decided to post a picture of a monkey to represent a black person? I know you don't, it's a rhetorical question. So shouldn't we go with the views of the majority, the enlightened, rather than sack him because some people (a minority of people) think black people are like monkeys. They're not, we know they're they're not, the comparison is nonsensical, so can't we just use monkeys as a metaphor for what the majority of us use a monkey as a metaphor for, someone's bitch basically. Perform monkey, perform, and that has nothing to do with the colour of someone's skin. Let the idea of monkeys and black people just die, but we can't do that if we get this ridiculous hullabaloo.
For christ's sake we get that you aren't racist! In fact you are the saviour of ethnic minorities, congratulations! You've gone out of your way about 6 or 7 times in this thread to point out you never make that connection and it is everyone else that must be horrible for associating the two.... it is nauseating and extremely patronising!!!! Get off your bloody high horse and chill out ffs!!!
We know that! Unfortunately some people now and in the past think that black people are closer to apes in the evolutionary scale than white people, and so make monkey chants. I personally do not and never have. I am not making anything racist just pointing out why it is not a good idea to post that tweet.
Good for you by the way and thankfully most people dont care about the colour of ones skin. However to assume racism has disappeared because people arent so vocal about it is naive.
Nauseating response - there are other people more worthy of this ire (like real racists?). I bet you’re perplexed by the worldwide lurch to the right aren’t you.
This is totally f****ng ridiculous. Has racism disappeared? No of course not. Is racism disgusting? Yes of course it is. Did Danny Baker intend his tweet to be racist. OF COURSE HE BLOODY DIDN'T. The far right is gaining ground all over the world. You want to see real racism? Wait til that lot get some real power. Running around in mock outrage at things perceived to be racist that aren't will drive more and more people into the arms of UKIP, BNP etc. Fight racism where it exists, not where it clearly doesn't.
He should have had more sense. Just like I might call a kid a cheeky monkey but be aware that if I said it to a black kid it could very well be misconstrued. We need to be careful of minimising things as well.
It is used out of context a lot, I think. I don't like the notion that I should feel guilty for my colour based on the behaviours of strangers. All it will do is create hatred and division. It is also ironic because it effectively tars every white person with the same brush- something they are trying to prevent with people from other backgrounds. In the true context IMO it is about accepting that we as white people have it easier in many areas as a rule. We dont tend to experience racism for example. It is about being mindful of this BUT unless you are actively perpetuating this problem you shouldn't be made to feel guilty for being white.
He should have thought more carefully. I agree. However, when I first saw this story I didn't understand as it hadn't even registered that there could be a racist interpretation because I'd forgotten Megan Markle's parentage. It came across to me as a comment on the royal/media circus. Racism shouldn't be minimised but instances like this DO minimise it. It's like Neymar on the football field. He rolls around in mock agony so often that when he is actually kicked no one takes any notice.
You dont need to feel guilty but you do need to be aware that others haven't had the same experiences as you. Just like I dont thnk non disabled people should feel guilty that they arent but to have awareness of the feelings and wishes of those who are.
Once again Jay you have shown yourself to be a bit of a dick and it isn't the first time you have done this in a thread.
Still think there is a major difference in naivety/ stupidity and blatant racism. If everybody lost their job for doing something stupid there would be a lot of folk out of work
Everyone knows they need to be careful what they post on social media. It's in the news every day. Danny Baker isn't some naive 16 year old.