Nay, some of the most positive posters are affected by the black dog! Me included. He's not in my gang!
There I corrected it for you. And of course we will sell some of our players - its what almost all clubs do - the trick is to not sell the entire team at one go - which so far we have done - Just Bradshaw last summer and Potts in Jan ( + a couple of fringe players who were going to be out of contract anyway)- if we sell one per window thats not
I'm closing this thread, ive gone as far as i can with it. I seem to attract the same gang who are as naive as a three year old kid and can't see the end of their noses. They will have a very hard time growing up watching everyone piss up their back sides. You are a small minority of our fans who like to believe they count for something in life. Remember this.
I was comparing nudger to Aristotle earlier. He studied at Plato's Academy. Aristotle, that is, not nudger. Maybe we should have a part of the board for the intellectual giants among us to hang out. We could call it.......The Academy.
Really showing your true colours now. If you think that people who don't agree with your negative point of view are in a minority, then you're deluded. Your search for like minded posters is ill timed, given that we won promotion a fortnight ago, and most of us are looking forward to a closed season and playing in the championship. You were always on a hiding to nothing with that one. If you think the club's pissing up your back, there's only one thing to do. Stop going. Don't give them your money, it's that simple. It's ok calling the rest of us mugs, but we actually get enjoyment from following the reds for the the most part, and have other things in our lives as well. The biggest mug is you, for paying your money to a club you deeply distrust.