I don't usually watch it but tuned in specially to see Chapter 13, the 15-year-olds lads in a band at the end. The guitarist with the Gibson Les Paul gold top is a Reds fan and the son of one of the London Tykes. They were awesome and Amanda pushed the gold button which a quick google tells me they go straight to the live semi-finals. Good luck to them Here's their instagram for anyone interested: https://www.instagram.com/wearechapter13/
Amazing - they’ve got a very bright (and lucrative) future. I’m sure we’ll be seeing them at glasto one day
You can watch on the itv website as i also forgot You don't even need to watch the rest. Go to about 10mins from the end. Terrific performance. Very assured
There were two folk on there I know tonight. Young Mr Slack, and a regular from Wath Tap. He was the bloke on first with the dysfunctional organ.
Anybody see the magician near the end of the show? How in God's name did he do that trick where he turned a piece of confetti into an egg? You could literally see the bloody thing growing in size and changing shape as he bounced it up and down on the end of a paper fan. I can only assume he trained at Hogwarts!
just watched repeat show....they were superb and played without fear....which is more than ah can say for Donny who were losing when ah switched ova...hope am wrong but ah dunt see us getting anutha Yorkshire derby wi them next year....good luck to the chapter 13 ...really enjoyed their performance
They were immense. Was blessed to watch it with friends and family of the band in Chesham where we got a four song set after the show. Super proud of Jake! Have a watch here.
Slacki was threatening to bring their Jake round to mine for a jam.. I think I could do without the embarrassment..
From Ian.. The live semi finals are on w/c 27th May but we don't know which date chapter13 will get yet.... will post when we know. X