Kieffer 2m to brizzle Lindsay 1.5 m to Italy If these 2 were to leave should accept no less than 10 m and 6 m respectively on market values. Poison Dwarf Johnson trying to pinch players again. Message to the board.... Get most of the squad signed up. Goal scorers are hard to come by in the Championship and Kieffer and Cayley have a good understanding and will score the goals in this division.Follow Cauleys lead Kieffer and sign up to the cause.
Why would Kieffer go to Bristol city? Will LJ still be manager there? They've had 2 attempts and failed, the supporters are ambivalent about him. More likely to be " Brownhill to Barnsley FC shock".
Gets a bit wearing with Bristol City being linked with our players. They must think they’re something if they regard us as their breeding ground! Pathetic really.
There can't be any of Little Lee's team left at Oakwell. I can only think of Davies and the chances are he will be starting next season somewhere else.
Bristol linked with just about all our players at one time or another since Johnson went there and the’ve not signed one. Brownhill was never our player and they got Watkins via Norwich