I'll let a leave politician help you... https://inews.co.uk/news/uk/andrea-...-wto-rules-countries-bbc-politics-live-video/
Sorry chaps, I’m not biting. You see it your way, I see it (and will vote) mine. Doesnt make me a racist, islamaphobic or a knuckle dragger, despite what The Guardian and impartial BBC may lead you to believe. Milkshake anyone ?
Good luck...if Nigel gets his way you will need it. I hope you have a healthy bank balance... https://www.indy100.com/article/brexit-party-eu-elections-lucy-harris-economy-30-years-8919786 And I hope you stay healthy... Man of the people my ar5e !
You could prove how reasonable your trust in our WTO future is by explaining it. Oddly; in refusing to do so, you’re not helping people see you as reasonable, intelligent and voting logically.
It's this type of response (YTBFC) that serves only to deepen people's resentment and perhaps makes them more likely to go down more radicalised routes. I'm a fully committed remainer and i must say that the majority of brexiteers on my social media feeds are very much in the right of the right camp. They have all of a sudden however become champions of gay rights and love our sikh communities. This clearly makes them tolerent individuals with no deeper agenda whatsoever .
Farage is obviously a self serving, arrogant, out of touch, career blagger along with most other MPs at the minute. The issue I see as someone who has taken a step back from brexit as I didn’t believe a word from either side is that a lot of people who voted for UKIP originally would have been horrified if he’d have actually got in. The feeling I get (and I might be way off the mark) is that a good chunk of people voted for them as a protest vote which went completely unheeded by our ridiculously complacent 2 main parties. Now once the majority of the brexit voters went to the polls, based on nothing at all from either side, the clueless children in the Houses of Parliament should have been immediately forced to come up with a series of informed and transparent solutions. This however is beyond their skills, experience and personal goals to do so. With the ineptitude of most British politicians taken into consideration, it shouldn’t have even gone as far as a brexit vote. My personal view is that the eu is living on borrowed time and will collapse of its own accord anyway as it seems incapable of change and progression but what do I know?
No Donny much to your frustration I’m not entering into a debate with you. We’re already members of the WTO as I’m sure you know, I’m also sure that you know how it works and what it means in respect of tariffs and trade deals. It would allow us to set our own import deals independent of the eu tariffs. But you know all that dont you.
Proudly attended Yorks Gay Pride event last summer with my daughter and her partner last summer and will again this year. Interestingly there were a number of asian men filming at the event ranting about it whilst using it as a backdrop. Proper camera gear as well not just filming iphone style. Intolerance doesn't come exclusively from those labelled as right wing.
I’m not an expert, but it strikes me: We will no longer be a member of the WTO if we leave the EU (our current membership being the EU’s membership). We won’t be able to trade with anyone until we (or the EU) can close the NI border. And even if the worst scare stories are just ‘project fear’ the very best we have to look forward to is our ‘best’ negotiators getting us deals as quickly as possible. These are the same negotiators who have failed to get a deal for Brexit in 3 years. They’ll obviously have a priority list but how long to negotiate enough deals to get us back to where we currently are? I’m not asking for a debate- just struggle to believe someone saying that reading on WTO terms is somehow advantageous when even ardent brexiteers admit it’ll crash the economy.
Hi! Services into the EU here! £100bn per year of direct GDP earnings from within the EU that we lose if we revert to WTO terms. This is business services, IT services, legal services, education services, etc (not Financial). Please explain how the gains we can make from having an independent trade policy will make up for a loss of around 5% of GDP in just that sector? Baring in mind, the credit crunch was a loss of around 2% of GDP. Being in the SM, and with FoM, people in the services sector can jump on a plane/train/ferry and be in a meeting anywhere in the EU on the same day. Without that access, it becomes a lot more complex and expensive to deal with the UK, to the extent that we are uncompetitive and our rivals would become India, Philippines and other 3rd countries where staffing costs are a lot lower.
For what? Getting elected as an MEP, failing to turn up to represent his constituency, and by extension our country, thereby making our position in Europe worse, making us worse off as a country, then blaming the EU for this? What an absolute hero.
The only upside of Brexit is that its united the EU and put off any country ever contemplating leaving again