Can someone explain this to me? EU: Population: 550M GDP: $16 Trillion UK: Population: 65M GDP: $2.5 Trillion How on God's green earth do we get better trade deals alone than as part of the EU bloc? Am I missing something?
Anyone from a former mining community which was abandoned for 10 years until the EU put some money into it is now prepared to vote for a leave party needs their bumps felt.
Because the eu has failed to secure free trade deals with the three major economies of usa china and india. Brexiteers thinking is that we’d be better placed on our own. Did a bit of surfing whilst having lunch. In 2016 we imported over 176 billion pounds worth of goods from the eu, staggering isnt it. Do we really think theyre fool enough to try and shaft us on trade risking losing a good slice of that. 58.91 billion just from Germany. Our biggest source of exports was to the usa where (unlike in Brussels) we seem to be loved. The Sky Wont Fall In. Off home now to vote for Nige. Night all
If you vote for Nigel Farage in any kind of political role, then yes, I see that as the actions of an idiot.
Unless you live in the South East, you are not voting for Nigel. First on the Brexit Party list for Yorkshire is John Longworth, who was neither born or has lived in the region. A member of the IEA and Economists against Brexit - those nice people who predict the end of manufacturing and farming in the UK (see Patrick Minford). Second is Lucy Harris - who is also not from around here, unless London is suddenly part of Yorkshire, recently infamous for insisting it will take 30 years to see the benefits of Brexit.
Putting a photo (taken somewhere else in the world, very much in the style of something The Nazis once published) on a bus suggesting the UK is full, with Farage proudly stood in front of it, that isn’t going to wash with me as a normal human being. That will cause me to point at him and say ‘racist’. Because he is. And so if you vote for a racist or indeed a fascist (he fits both criteria) then you’re an idiot as far as I’m concerned. Can anyone give me the reasons why he’s worth voting for? Let’s pretend he’s not racist or a fascist, can you tell me why to vote for him and his right wing party?
I agree completely with what you're saying. I too hold similar views regarding those (the majority in my opinion) who support Farage and indeed brexit. Name calling won't change a thing though. One can show one's distaste far more eloquently: be the better person, which shouldn't be too difficult.
Perfect example of the half truths told by Brexiteers (and that's probably generous). First point is: even if the EU hasn't been successful in this sphere (which is not accepted, by the way) why would a 'bloc' of the UK be more successful? Second, the EU has resisted US offers of a deal due to the dreaded 'TTIP' proposition. This ensures that we would open ourselves up to more intervention from the US conglomerates, who would take over our public services to disastrous effect. Particularly badly hit would be the NHS, which obviously presents an ideological problem for the US. If we deal with the US we probably have to forego any relationship with China (Huawei). India would require the largescale issue of visas in return for a favourable trade deal - so ensuring the very immigration which the brexiteers were supposedly so vehemently against. In general, trading with most of these larger players would bring us into competition with major low-wage economies - to the detriment of our own workforce. Rees-Mogg claims food would be cheaper. It would also be of a lesser standard, but crucially, the wages to pay for it would be greatly diminished in real terms. Lots of nuances to these situations, but it gives the lie to the bland statements that you and your brexiteer chums make. ******** to Brexit.
How do you know ? Remainers keep spewing out scenarios as though theyre facts. How can you possibly know what India would do ? US conglomerates taking over our services ?? Low wage economies ? What do you think free movement has done for wages in our country then ? Could we have so many poor feckers on zero hours if there wasn't such a huge pool of labour to draw from.
I voted for Brexit because I fear the EU is in future going to become a progressively racist and fascist organisation. The aim of these organisations is not to quit or dismantle the EU but rather to unite to impose their politics on the rest of us. The make up of the EU we're in today will be very different to the one we'll be in next week post EU elections. YTBFC - look carefully at the representation of different groups post election and you may decide that leaving the EU may not be such a bad idea!
What, you mean like the one that saw our fishing fleets decimated by our grounds being shrunk from 209 miles to 12? What do you think thats done for the wages of ordinary folk, old boy
Or the constant attacks on our financial services industry through 10 years of continuous legislation designed to drive business to mainland europe ?
Everything I’ve ever read, watched and researched leaves me clear in my mind that remaining is key. And then trying to fix issues from within. Cheers for the response though. Let’s see how it plays out. I’ve just been and voted Labour.