I do not agree with leaving the EU but your view is really interesting as it's an angle I hadn't considered. Unfortunately it's views like yours that get lost in the fog. I haven't changed my mind because I feel the benefits for trade etc outweigh any perceived benefit (or in Farage's case lies).
If only the man who was paid a rather large amount of money to defend our fishing rights had attended the meetings..... hmmmmmm Oh and you are aware of something called territorial waters I assume
The fishing industry that does 90% of it's business with the EU? With no EU trade deal there will be no fishing industry, as sson as the Brexit vote happened - the fishing industry went into overdrive to ask for protection as the EU is required for it's survival. As for the movement of the fishing boundaries - nothing at all to do with the EU. But mostly - if you can find some way the EU has shafted our fishing industry, you could try blaming our representative on the EU fishing committee who rarely turns up to work - a certain Mr N Farage. You should change your sources - stop drinking the kool-ade, wake up and smell the roses.
What, you mean the career politicians who've bended whichever way the wind was blowing ? Where anti semitism is rife ? Where support of anti British terrorist groups is the form ? Where the chancellor in waiting was sacked from the GLC for incompetent financial management ? Fk me lad, talk about pot calling the kettle.
Someone with your supposed intelligence ought to know - failing that try google. OTOH the sure sign of an internet troll is the guy who ignores all the salient points to move the discussion in a different and hopefully pointless direction. Did you find Nigel's name on your voting slip? He wasn't on mine
Think you’ll find it was a fait accompli long before Nige took up the post. But do continue, we’ll find out what the majority of europe thinks on saturday. Think youll be in for a shock.
Facts. When Sunday comes all well and good, once the sh1tshow is over we might be able to get back to bothering about the NHS, Schools, Welfare and other such issues. And when the magic unicorn doesn’t appear some of us won’t be surprised.
Well theres one thing for sure if Nige did conjure up a magic unicorn it’d be unreported by the ‘ahem impartial bbc’ which am sure is nowt do wi the 5m in funding its had from the eu. Conflict of interest anyone ?
The same Farage who's been on QT a record 33 times including the other week when he shouldn't have been as he's running for election ? https://www.thenational.scot/news/1...-over-record-farage-question-time-appearance/
No. That is why, as a Labour member I voted Green. Sorry. At a first past the post election I'll campaign for the Labour Party vs Lib Dems in our constituency. We will lose the seat with the current approach. Current policy, is trying to sit too much on the fence on the biggest issue that faces us. Labour members are massively pro remain. Bad call, by a leader I usually agree with. Reform & remain is the way forward.
Absolutely no chance of fixing owt mate... It's a black and white issue, in or out. No grey area here, no room for any mediation Whoever ends up winning, as proved by the remoaners... The losers will not go away.. Years of strife to come chose what...
Looking at the register of members interests that’s a given. You however lost the right to make a valid point by using the word remoaners. It’s stupid and simple.
Official Indian government policy under Modi - who is just about to be announced as winner of the GE if he hasn't already - is "Make in India" and they are insisting on increasing migration for Indians in return for any trade deal. Official American government policy under Trump - is "America First", and they want easier access to our services, particularly healthcare for their providers. Remember the Americans think that public healthcare is some kind of communist ploy, but at the same time somewhere over 600,000 of them go bankrupt every year due to healthcare bills. The biggest supporters of TTIP in the EU, was of course our own Conservative government. China has an history of intellectual property theft and not quite playing nice with the WTO. They are our second largest market (after USA) and we are their biggest. Germany sells over 90bn Euro per year to them (we sell 22bn and France 20bn). The EU has started talks on deals with all 3, but each is big enough and ugly enough to want serious concessions from the EU - and in the case of America and India they perhaps want more than we are willing to give...