... general election blah blah blah general election blah blah me me blah blah general election etc. Ad nauseam
I know who I'd pick in a choice between Boris and Jeremy, but I'm scared who the country would vote for.
He is Leader of the Opposition. That the **** do you think he should be calling for. New Tory leader will be elected by120k leave, no deal, right wing nutters & will be our PM.
Jack Dee (@TheRealJackDee) Tweeted: Conservative Party members meet to discuss who next leader should be. https://t.co/OhniwFECX4
Where he will buy his beans will be with people who should pay a bit more, not a lot; to pay for a decent police, social work, rehabilitation system, NHS, etc.
1) I genuinely don't believe he is - I believe he's tried to bring peace - by talking to these terrorists. 2) Boris isn't interested in the country, or his own party. It's SELF SELF SELF. Just look at London, Boris Bike, Boris Bus, Boris Bridge. It's all about him and his legacy. Edited to say, all in my personal opinion of course.
He would have no chance of winning one. Terrible choices then they wonder why voting numbers are at a all time low.
And once he has these magic beans, where will he get the rest? The country has been underfunded by the tories and overly by Labour my entire life. Add to that most mps have no feet in the real world anymore and we find ourselves in the **** we’re in now where you’d trust a toddler before any of these career shysters.
This is actually a very interesting point. A lot of MP's do appear very young (no real life work experience), or very old (a lots changed since they experienced proper work). I don't have numbers to prove my point though, so I'll end by saying I'm probably talking utter *****,