Whilst it must have been very frightening for the people she attacked, you have to feel some sympathy for the attacker. Very clearly severely mentally disturbed and sounds as though she needs some concentrated specialist care. Years ago, the preferred method of dealing with mental illness after diagnosis, was to provide fully funded places of safety, where acceptable conditions, diet, medication and psychiatric support could be given, be it on a fully residential, day care basis, or via Child and/or Adult Specialist Training Centres. Due in the main to the lack of funding, down the years, many of those facilities have disappeared and the decision was taken that with the exception of the more acute cases, where applicable, for some patients it might be possible for them to be integrated into "normal" everyday life. In the majority of cases, given the support, such a system can work, but occasionally where a problem with a patient goes unchecked, as in this case, matters can go badly wrong. Hope her victims have recovered and are now able to get on with their lives.
It says she is a paranoid schizophrenic. It's disgusting that this "government" is putting the public's lives at risk by just turning these people over to society. These people need help but the real victim will be the person who ends up being murdered.
If shed been shouting allah hakbar she would be a terrorist, call her mental... And she gets looked after. Massive difference
What we don't know is what or who would persuade her to travel from Middlesex to stab people in Barnsley. Methinks there's a bit more to it than a poor mentally ill woman abandoned by the state to fend for herself just rocking up with a big knife. Who whispered in her ear ? Imagine how much better a country we'd live in if we hadn't have had a goverment who left a note saying that there was nothing left, or where we didn't pour billions of borrowed pounds into the sinkhole of foreign aid. Imagine if we hadn't allowed hundreds of thousands of people a year free access to our benefits, healthcare and education. Imagine if we'd controlled numbers and only allowed those who could contribute to our country rather than taking from it. Imagine how much more money would be available to our public servants and services. Imagine that.
I'm presuming a trained medical professional. 'Paranoid schizophrenic' is a very specific label that wouldn't be banded about as fact if it she hadn't been diagnosed as such.
Throwing terms like "she's mental" around shows how much work is to be done to educate people about mental health.
I carefully used the term mentally disturbed so as not to cause offence. As we know that term can cover a multitude of conditions. The woman in question is a paranoid schizophrenic. She has pleaded not guilty on the grounds of insanity. It appears that two major authorities on schizophrenia are NIMH- National Institute of Mental Health and NAMI- National Aliance on Mental Illness and sadly, the Collins dictionary definition of the word " insanity" shows it to be " seriously mentally ill, or as madness". I suppose we will know more about the case and the woman's medical condition, once the final verdict is handed down at Sheffield Crown Court.
It’s a mystery DR, why Barnsley ? Or did she get off her train too early, was she supposed to get off at sheffield or leeds where such an attack would doubtless have received more media attention ?
This government is not "turning these people over to society" It is the responsibility of health care professionals. This is what happens. Scizophrenic (known to services) becomes un-well for whatever reason (most commonly non-compliance with medication or life- stresses). Community team feel said person requires hospital admission. Patient placed on section and treatment follows thereafter. Depending on the individual and associated risk this may take a matter of months or indeed years. The aim always would be to re-integrate the patient back in to society. We have a wonder drug now called clozapine that is amazingly successful with enduring schizophrenic patients. Indeed we have patients out now who have spent years in and out of hospital leading good lives as a consequence of complience with clozapine. All these patients have a community care team and a care-coordinator. So no, it's got eff all to do with any government.
Careful Havana, don’t confuse the socialist narrative by introducing facts. They don’t like it up em Captain. !
All well and good. So why was a paranoid schizophrenic allowed to roam the streets of this town chasing innocent people with a knife?
Don't know her history. Don't know if she has recently been diagnosed (post incident). We can lock people away for life if you want on diagnosis, just like it used to be back in' day. She may not have been known to this countries services prior to incident. What is for sure is that she will now probably spend the rest of her life in a medium/high secure mental hospital. There are loads of people being killed by knives in this country at the minute, 99.9999999% of the culprits are not mentally un-well.
We did, luckily the hard left weren't in charge otherwise they’d have been attending enemy funerals and inviting their generals to take tea at Westminster
I'd just like to add that not all schizophrenics are violent or have violent tendancies. The majority we see in hospital have been detained as a consequence of relapse and their presentation has left them vulnerable and their dignity has been compromised. Many people with schizophrenia have great insight and are able to challenge it. Sadly a small number are in because they react to auditory command hallucinations. So please let's not stereotype.
I enjoyed a career of some forty years giving service to the public and a colleague still sits on the LGA committee and so from time to time,sends me stats so I can see how the face of the Public sector is an ever changing picture. It's handy , because if something is deemed contentious, I can submit a personal view to papers or specialist magazines like the Institute of Purchasing and Supply etc as a retired member without having to face any personal or "professional" distaste or criticism. From a series of such reports here are just a few of the facts I have picked up on: Finance: Over 33 years in power, consecutive Labour administrations borrowed £500 billion. Since 2010, the Conservatives have borrowed in excess of £670 billion. In fairness, there are no figures to support the changes in the growth in the economy over those corresponding periods. Health: Very few LA's now own any OAP's homes. If ever there is a market failure, where possible the local LA has to take temporary control and in the case of illness , residents pass to the care of the NHS. Plans are being discussed to make property owning citizens accountable for the cost of their care in the future, using any equity in their homes. In latest figures published by the Office of Statistics, £9 billion of the NHS budget was spent private sector health provision. Services include portering, laundry, IT, repairs and maintenance, catering etc, as well as consultancy, specialist surgery and the use of scanners and diagnostic machinery and equipment. I can confirm the latter, every scanner/ machine used in my treatment for Cancer at St James Leeds, was owned by Alliance Health, plus my appointment letters always came from their head office. My 5 years of aftercare has been provided by medical specialists and Macmillan support workers employed by the NHS, at three monthly intervals. The gap in the provision of finance from Central Government to LA's for the period 2010-2020 is estimated to be in the region of £16 million. In real terms, that equates to 60 pence out of every one pound sterling. Not wishing to imply any political malice, the figures would appear to support the fact that in Local Authority areas under the control of Labour they have suffered steeper cuts than any of their Conservative counterparts. Education: There are 32,113 schools in the U.K. Of that figure 20,925 are Primary and 4,168 are Secondary schools. There are also 2,381 independents, 1,256 Special schools and 351 pupil referral units. A total of 27% of Primary schools are no longer within the remit of any LA control ( Academy or similar) and for Secondary schools that figure now stands at 72%. Regarding the current Tory leadership election and who gets to vote, I looked up the stats for the number of fee paying members of the Conservative Party. It's £25 to join and there are presently 124,000 members. That lead me to look at the other party's figures : UKIP have 23,600, Greens 39,350, Liberal Democrats 99,200 with Labour having around 540,000. So if they see fit, 124,000 people with an average age of 57 years old along with circa 320 MP's will ultimately decide who will lead our country. Hardly seems to be fair. Reminds me of the front page in an old edition in Private Eye " Once more into the s*ite my friends." https://www.local.gov.uk/sites/default/files/documents/5.40_01_Finance publication_WEB_0.pdf