This Tory govt will sell arms to anyone with the cash , ask Liam Fox about it . It’s not rare our lads n lasses have been fired upon with weapons made in GB
I was in Sierra Leone around the time of the west side boys they all had SLR ( British made rifle) I was sent there by Mr B liar and his government, as much as the man is a drill bit I wouldn't say they directly funded the west side boys, many of these countries Africa/ middle east would sell there own kids to the highest bidder.
So in your book its ok for the ira to kill kids cos the British Army did ? It’s ok for terrorists to slaughter kids then ??
I’m not a corbyn hater as I don’t know the man, I just think he’s another parasite on the political gravy train. We’ve tried carrot with the system for ever maybe it’s time to try stick. Deliver what you promise as a politician or be stripped of your job and every single benefit associated with it, pensions, privileges, everything. At the end of the day if these wrapped in cotton wool buffoons did as badly in the real world they’d be out on their arses. After all, actual workers get hoofed for doing a good job in hard times for no fault of their own never mind being set up for life for failing.
I don't like Corbyn. You're free to put your own interpretation on his motives and culpability in his dealings with the IRA but if you're trying to highlight that in contrast to anyone else who's been in power in the last 50 odd years and more you're naieve. Every single one has happily armed the likes of the Saudis, Saddam Hussein, the Mujahiddeen etc etc for decades in the full knowledge of what the consequences were going to be and that women and kids would end up slaughtered. They just weren't going to be OUR women and kids.
Thanks for clarifying, for a moment there I thought you were in the same camp as one or two more I’ve come across who like Corbyn and regard the ira as freedom fighters.
Wasn't the Manchester bomber from lybia ? He was one of those friendly rebels we were helping out . The west has been at it for years , meddling in other country's regardless of whatever damage was done . With the rise of terrorism on the continent of Europe it seems those war games are coming home .
I dont regard them as freedom fighters BUT what they did was against a background of the Irish being treated as second class citizens in their own country.
Corbyn's comments were not as nauseating as the plaudits from the Tories who ousted her and want her job. Hypocrisy or what?
Dont remember whether it was this thread or another, but I do remember posting that none of the fkers had been getting my vote since blairs first term. Naive I’m not.
We sell arms to the Saudis who distribute them willy nilly and use them on women and children in Yemen they also give to Syrian and Iraqi “freedom fighters” as well as al queda and isis.
The Conservative and Unionist Party comprises MP's elected to represent the UK arm and Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party. They have always enjoyed close links since the former UUP was founded by Ian Paisley in 1971 , as a vehicle to oppose Sinn Fein, who it was always alleged had close links with the Irish Republican Army. As a result of the Sunningdale Agreement , the party was involved in setting up two paramilitary movements Third Force and Ulster Resistance. In later years the UFF (Ulster Freedom Fighters) came to prominence and were said to be responsible for the illegal deaths of over 400 Irish Catholics and was duly outlawed by the British Government. As a result the UDA -Ulster Defence Association was formed. In August 1992, it too was proscribed as being a proven terrorist organisation. The accounts of a rally held at Newtownards in 1981, claim that a private army ( its potential full strength was anywhere between 15-20,000) marched in uniform before Ian Paisley delivered his address. They always claimed they were working in tandem with the Garda to oppose the threat posed by Sinn Fein. The citizens of Ireland have always received pro-rata funds by way of support from successive U.K. Governments. The one billion donated to the DUP in 2017, equated to circa £14k per head of population, so I would suppose that since its original inception in 1971 and it's undisputed links to paramilitary forces, it could be argued that UK Governments have either knowingly or indirectly given their "support" to terrorist factions in the province.
Are you serious? We sell arms to Saudi. The biggest human rights violators in the world, so they can arm the likes of ISIS. Surely you’re aware that we are in bed with the US? That the ‘West’ armed the Taliban (including Bin Laden) to fight the Russians. There are no bigger terrorists than the United States of America and we hold their **** while they go about invading sovereign nations and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Which then causes our own nation to be the target of retaliatory terrorism of which we’ve suffered a lot in the last 20 years. The Tory government voted for air strikes in Syria only last year. Who voted against the war in Iraq? Corbyn. Who predicted the terrorist atrocities a war in Iraq would cause? Corbyn. Who voted against air strikes in Syria? Corbyn. Who promotes the idea of warring factions meeting, talking and trying to find peace? Corbyn. I don’t know why I’ve posted this, because yourself and a few others in this thread are so uneducated on reality it’s staggering. Could I though, seeing as I’m here, please ask how old you are? Ta.