My Uncle was an MP years ago and my Dad was staunch Labour, i will never vote for them while ever Corbyn is leader.
Being Labour all my life, my ancestors will be turning in their graves looking at the Party now As for Corbyn, the old lads would have pissed him off some time ago I will definitely not vote for him, he will make us a lot poorer with his ideas
I fail to see why any supposed Labour voter would fail to give Corbyn a chance and prefer the likes of Boris Johnson just as I couldn't see a supposed Tory supporter doing the opposite
You’ve hit the nail on the head. Too many middle of the road labour supporters. Frightened of what the Tory press spout out. Corbyn was voted in mainly on the unions vote. Which correct me if I’m right are there to try save the working classes from being walked all over. Those that say their predecessors would be turning in their graves need a reality check . Those predecessors fought for all the rights you have today. mainly through the labour movement. Socialism not the bloody watered down Toryism Blair stood for. Strikes although not the first stage are the only way some businesses/politicians will sit up and take notice of.
The labour party have always invested more in the NHS than the tories ever have, it's not a policy exclusive to Corbyn
My wife's family hail from Wombwell but on her Maternal side, past generations had been born and bred in Wigan. In the 1950's two of her uncles , the Blan brothers, played with distinction for Wigan Rugby League Club and Great Britain. My wife's Nans maiden name was Gormley and when I first met her, she told me that her cousin has been the the former President of the National Union of Mineworkers Joe Gormley, later to become Lord Gormley of Ashton in Makerfield OBE. He was NUM leader from 1971 until 1982 and when he resigned , he apparently became increasingly concerned over the apparent growth of militancy within the union. He was involved in the Miners strike in 1972 and was part of the Executive who eventually negotiated a settlement. Miners in our region weren't happy that when a wage increase was granted by the Government, they learned that their counterparts in the Nottingham field received more, a fact that Joe was big enough to admit went on to eventually cause problems in the 1984/5 strike. In 1992, the BBC made allegations that some twenty Trade union members were known to have worked for Special Branch by flagging up their concerns over growing militancy within the Trade Union movement. They alleged that Gormley has been one such informant. He apparently received some abuse in the Wigan area and died one year after the story was published at the relatively young age of 76.
The amount of nonsense on this thread is utterly baffling. Socialism btw has nothing to do with communism, which is why most uneducated people believe we will end up like Russia if Corbyn gets in power. This is what the right wing media want you to believe. Investment in public services also brings money into the treasury the net cost is actually pretty low. Bringing services back under the state would leave us all richer, not poorer. Capitalism is causing us all far more damage as corporations gain more and more power.
The only way we'll end up like Russia is if we end up with a bunch of unscrupulous crooks in charge who are willing to sell off the nation's assets to their mates or the highest bidder and accept bribes for the use of their influence..........oh wait.
Exactly, general elections are decided by those who live in the marginals. The rest of us have no say in it.
Corbyn biggest problem is people believe what they hear the smearing is done. Labour will not produce a majority at a general election with him as leader in my view. So whatever the truth about the man is, if he can't win or be ahead in the polls against the current shower I would suggest labour need a new leader. Also Labours unknown and uncertain stance on Brexit is a big turn off for me. I know they have a problem in that large amount of labour MPs think we should stay but represent constituencies that voted to leave, but presently they seem to be keeping no one happy.