I'm happy to accept defeat in the 2016 battle but I'm a long way off accepting that the war is over! It's going to be a long game!
Couldn’t say it better! Whichever way people voted or turned out to vote - thankfully we still live in a democracy. The kind of foot stamping elitist arrogance residing on this forum is laughable!
My first thoughts. But then it occurs to me that many Brexiters probably abstained from voting at all, because it's all about that stinking, cultureless shiteoyle Europe. That waste of space many of our relatives fought and died to liberate and unite in peace... Oh the irony, Mr Farage..
So the whole of Europe is a "cultureless shitehoyle"? Really? Anything else you want to share with us?
Ex Except the bits we would like to have a holiday, retire to, or marry the local lasses... keep up, mate..
Referendum first past post result, leave, Euros proportional representation result, leave party biggest share of votes that makes it 2 0 leave in my book
Really? thought Change UK did exactly that. Talk about making numbers fit your required outcome! You could equally argue that if someone other than someone as divisive as Farage had started the Brexit party they would have had a larger vote.
How on earth do you come to that conclusion. Single issue party. Brexit Party. They want to leave. That's it. They got 30% of the vote and the pro remain parties got more. You didn't get a majority. far from it. 30% of the vote. You got 52% in the referendum didn't you? Where's the other 20% gone?
Another thread that merely highlights the mess we are in. Folk arguing and name calling. You’re as bad as the politicians.
Can't see me ever voting Labour again to be honest. I feel utterly let down by both my townsfolk and by the party that is supposed to be representing the working class towns like ours. Leaving the EU is the single most stupid idea anyone could have conjured up and Labours indifference to it has cost us a seat at the table of one of most powerful trading blocs in the world and it's left Labour as an unelectable party. Well done. Tories have been literally begging to be rolled over for the best part of two years, yet Labour have let hard-line brexiteers take control of the whole process now. Fukcing shambles and all I want to do is apologise to my kids for the joke of a country they're going to grow up in.
Factually wrong! You have not included the Conservative vote in your calculations - they are a party that want to Leave.
Factually wrong the Conservatives as a party are split. especially on a no deal Brexit. If they aren't split how come Theresa May voted to remain? The only logical choice for a leave voter was the Brexit Party. They got just over 30%.
The last thing the two main parties want is a General Election - the prospect of a Brexiteer candidate standing in all constituencies will panic the Tories - the Labour party is divided on this issue - voting Lib Dems is a better bet for those who want another referendum. Could it be that it would benefit both Tory and Labour if a deal was got through Parliament as soon as possible so that both main parties can start re-grouping/re-building without the corrosive effect of Brexit damaging them. And why are Remainers such whinging bad losers - do they not know what 'democracy' means?
Both Labour and Tories are split over Brexit, the claim of Remainers got more whilst factually true doesn’t actually prove anything. As far as any of us know the majority that voted Labour and Tory could have vot d to leave at the referendum equally they could have voted remain, so either to claim a moral victory over Brexit is flawed and a great example of making stats fit an agenda. Add to that the question this time was not as binary as leave or stay and also there was a significantly lower turnout for voting.