May I just ask why voting to leave the EU in a referendum makes me thick or racist? I feel I was educated to an adequate standard I achieved A levels and I have friends who are of other nationalities and creeds.
For those of you criticising labours stance (such as it is) on brexit, here's a good illustration of corbyns problem. Barnsley council website just published EU vote. On 28% turnout labour polled 7000. Brexit party got 23000, virtually as much as all the other parties put together. It seems the vote in Europe went exactly the same way as it went in the UK . Funny , but all those country's haven't even had an exit vote and still voted the same way as voters in blighty . I'd say the Brexit vote and this euro vote have absolutely nothing in common .
Out of interest, is there or as there ever been a successful socialist goverment/ country, just had to Google things and Venezuela appears to be a right train crash because of it
Just seen that one of the new Brexit Party MEPs for the north east lives in the south of France. You couldn’t make it up
To some extent you could make a case for Cuba. I can't get past Churchill's quote: socialism is the equal sharing of all the misery.
You've probably hit the nail on the head, a few of my friends and neighbours who voted Leave in the referendum, but didn't turn out for this, expressed not the slightest interest in electing MEP's per se, and or didn't vote as a protest because they didnt think we should be voting in them three years later.
Best thing for you to do is to google 'democracy' and hope you understand it. It's not rocket science to most of us.
To be fair to Mark Carney, he was only tasked by Govt to demonstrate the worst case scenario Bank of England warns of 'worst-case scenario' recession Governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney during the Bank's financial stability report in London Picture by Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA The Bank of England has warned Britain would be tipped into a recession worse than the financial crisis in the event of a no-deal disorderly Brexit.The apocalyptic outcome, contained in the Bank's analysis of various EU withdrawal scenarios, would also see the pound crash, inflation soar, interest rates jump, growth plummet and unemployment skyrocket.In the event of a disorderly Brexit, which entails Britain failing to reach an exit deal with the European Union or securing a transition period, Britain's GDP could fall by 8 per cent, according to a worst case scenario modelled by the Bank.The unemployment rate would rise to 7.5 per cent, inflation would surge to 6.5 per cent while interest rates would rocket as high as 5.5 per cent.House prices are forecast to decline 30 per cent and the pound would fall by 25 per cent to less than parity against both the US dollar and the euro, according to the bombshell report. Governor Mark Carney said: "These are scenarios, not forecasts. "They illustrate what could happen, not necessarily what is most likely to happen."
If another vote was as close as the last one it would solve nothing. Arguments would still be carried out. The way I see these elections is twofold. May and her MPs have not delivered and they are in disarray. Labour have a leader that is not hacking it with the general public. If he cannot get backing in Barnsley then where the hell is he going to get it. He is not the man to re establish the Labour Party and if there is a general election and he fails , which he will, then I think they will dump him. The sooner the better.
Whether we are Remainers or Leavers we are living in very uncertain times. We Leavers are accused of not knowing what we voted for - I accept that. The same can be said for the Remainers - Donald Tusk Jean Claude Juncker are soon to be replaced. We're not sure about the political make up of the EU nor who will be the Presidents and how the EU will be run. President Orban of Hungary EU President (Putins mate) anyone? Will there be a push from the Eastern countries of the EU for more power in the EU - Romania Bulgaria Hungary. (Do they really care about the UK leaving or about the Irish Backstop. The so called Deal is not a Deal at all - it's the first step in what will long and protracted negotiations lasting many years. Much is made of the Irish Backstop - there is no willingness to enforce it - it's not the major issue it's made out to be. We are told that a 'No Deal' is worse than a bad deal - anyone any empirical statistics, facts and figures to justify this? We all have a reason/ hunch for our stance re Leave/Remain - the fact is not one of us can provide any proof regarding which is the right one because there is no certainty about anything.
Surely Nigel’s protest should have been not taking part? Unless he’s not quite the man of the people and he’s in it for himself of course ?
Deciding not to vote isn't exclusively a Leave prerogative. The mrs didn't use her postal vote and she's a staunch remainer. I think she would have done if there had been a big fuss about a party called Remain though.
"Educated" yet you still voted to take us out of a secure trading environment. Hard to establish trade agreements with other countries when most of them are in their own established trade blocs, you know, the bleeding thing that you took us out of... I suppose if we continue snuggling up to China we'll be allowed to have some of their scraps, totally worth it.
Do you think leavers would have been ok with that? Would they ****. This issue should never have been put to the public.
So because I went to school I'm not allowed to have an opinion on if leaving the EU is the right thing to do? Perhaps if I had really pushed myself and achieved a degree I wouldn't have been so stupid eh!