Only announced on the dinner time news Vesp. I welcome it to tell you the truth. Need to purge the party of any anti-semetism and any other forms of discrimination.
Exactly my initial thoughts FH. The answer could be if you do vote for another party, in future, you keep quiet. Must admit, Campbell did look rather smug when he made his statement. Probably thinking of the publicity and future interviews he might attract.
No. It’s factually correct. Ask ‘the man in the street’ what the Brexit Party is about and he’ll correctly say Brexit/leaving the EU. Ask him what Change UK are about and he probably won’t know. I’m reasonably across things and I’m not sure exactly what Change UK are championing. A party called The Remain Party, with no plans or policies to speak of, other than ‘we’re staying’ would have put on a much better showing than the collection of navel-gazing fence-sitters currently occupying the middle-ground. Really not sure what’s to argue with there.
Okay. You win obviously. Every single person knows what Change UK are about. Everyone. I’m not sure why I even went there.....
Facts! I believe I’m still waiting for your facts as you chose not to reply when asked yesterday. Strange that.
Well you didn’t ask me for facts. But made a silly comment, that when pointed out there was such a party, refused to accept it. Just because they didn’t have a remain flag on them....
There isn’t such a party. There is no Remain equivalent to the Brexit Party. Simple as that & clear as day, but as I said, you’re the winner, clearly, so I bow out with tail between legs, cowed by your clearly superior intellect and knowledge of these things. Congratulations.
Dead simple. 1. I do not want to belong to a corrupt unaudited organisation. 2. I want the power to be able to elect the leader of the body that represents us. 3. I’m uncomfortable with taking skilled workers from other countries instead of training our own. 4. I don’t want to be part of Macrons EU army... or pay for it. 5. Trade deals will be for our benefit, nobody else’s. 6. Don’t want to be part of an organisation that resists reform. 7. I don’t agree with the right wing take over across Europe. 8. I don’t like the way the Greek debt crisis was handled. 9. I don’t like that big corporations such as Goldman Sachs appear to be behind lots of decisions made by the EU. 10. I don’t want to be left holding the tab when the whole thing goes bang.... Is that enough for you?
That’s a very comprehensive response, nothing mentions no deal, nothing explains the benefits of no deal. just like the actual thing we were taking about and you apparently voted for. Not 1 actual fact.
Unlike the fund givers of the leave campaign.....where's the money coming from and what will the return be. When did we last vote for the WTO leader ? Even though there is a shortage of said skilled workers, nurses, doctors etc. Even though if we stay in the EU it will never happen. Trade deals that aren't going to appear for years (if ever) as has been proved with the ones already signed. How's the House of Lords these days Yet you are supporting a right wing movement thus aiding the right wing takeover. The same Greeks that dug their own hole and had to be bailed out one way or another...non of which were any good. Even though a lot of Leaves money seems to be coming from some shady individuals and companies....what do they stand to benefit through their influence ? You will be holding a large tab if we leave....massive if it;s with no deal, Is that enough for you ?
we fought the GERMANS,whether you like it or not and when we entered the war we were not fighting italy,bulgaria,romania or hungary,that lot joined nearly 12 months later,we declared war on germany,not the rest you are right about the eastern front.........but then again all of germany's own doing after they went against an agreement and alliance they had with russia the GERMANS were the aggressors.. if you like to call them nazi's then thats your perogotive,.. however nev chamberlin declared war on Germany,he didnt declare war on the nazi's.... The humiliation after defeat in WW1 and the subsequent disarming and financial constraints drove hitler and his fellow countrymen to take revenge the war in eastern asia was a completely separate issue to the GERMAN aggression in europe, except the germans decided to enter an alliance with the japs...again the rest is history i suggest those that don't like the terms krauts and japs take a long hard look at what these two did in the war,particularly how they treated prisoners of war and how both sets targeted civilians in their quest for dominance..the british on the other hand were ordered to leave civilians alone The term Nazi is now used as a reference to the germans in a bid to distance the nation from what it did in the first half of the last century... i'll ask you this,who do you think was responsible for the war in europe and the millions that died during it?
Really? You asked me why, I told you. The benefits of no deal mean none of this. I’m sorry do you want me to draw pictures as well... Unfortunately, there are no facts, only matters of opinions in this case.
sorry if it offends you ark, but after years of reading about the second world war and the crimes they both committed I find it difficult to call them anything other than what our own country folk called them at the time.. btw i use those terms when referring to the war, not the present tense.
As you seem unable to grasp il paste it again. We were discussing your call for a no deal, have you changed your mind on this since yesterday? I asked you for facts as to why it would be a preferred course of action. You’ve so far ignored it and then blustered a load of opinion which was quickly proved nonsense by another poster above and now in this response said there aren’t any facts. Pure genius “I’ve yet to see your explanation of the benefits of what leaving (at all) but in your case with no deal will bring you, you seem convinced it’s the best way ahead, there must be a logical reason for you to formulate that based on the facts and research at hand, the facts that have been presented. there must be.”