I don't want Boris to become Tory leader or prime minister, and I certainly don't want to see a damaging no-deal Brexit. But it is hard not to come to the conclusion that this private prosecution is a stunt which shouldn't be allowed to go much further. I think that most remainers have spent the last 3+ years decrying Boris and others' claims about the benefits of Brexit and I'd be surprised if they actually swayed anyone. It's fairly de rigeur for politicians to make trumped-up inflated claims in support of their case at polling time. The claims were in any event called out at the time - even disowned by his own colleagues in government I believe. The problem with this kind of thing is that if the law is allowed to be used for this purpose we risk descending into an American-style environment where each side is legally challenged and hampered by their opponents and nothing gets done because the victors are perpetually hampered. Admittedly, in the case of Trump there's a part of me that celebrates any challenge to him - valid or not. But I was less amused when Obama's reforms repeatedly had hurdles placed in front of them. In this case, was Boris "in public office" for the purposes of the decision being polled, or simply one of the protagonists? And was the behaviour cited 'misconduct', or a mere puff designed to aid the cause of the leave campaign? I think it's going to be difficult to convict him beyond reasonable doubt. The last time I looked at this area, I recall that the Director Of Public Prosecutions retained a power to take over private prosecutions and, if he/she saw fit, discontinue them. If that is still the case then I wouldn't be surprised if the DPP so acts in this case. By all means challenge Boris (and all leavers) but I'm not convinced this is the way to go.
Boris has lied about brexit continuously, he has proved time and again he only supports Boris, doesn’t give a damn about we mere mortals, would love to see him in court squirming as he tries to explain his reprehensible lies.
The man lies about everything. He lied to his wife, his kids, his employers, the electorate. And how is he reward? Possibly becoming PM. Yayzus.
Im in 2 minds on this -there is no doubt that Boris repeatedly lied that the cost of being in Europe was £350 million - it is definitely the case that a politician that lies and continues to lie even when its is demonstrably a lie should face sanction Whether this is the right way to do it I am a bit more undecided For anyone that is interested the Judge sets out the reasons for allowing this to proceed https://www.judiciary.uk/judgments/marcus-ball-v-alexander-boris-de-pfeffel-johnson/
I'd like to see him win the race on the proviso that he builds a new hospital every week for the first year of his reign. And may I add, an NHS hospital at that. However on the issue of prosecution ..... nah. We'd have to sue a hell of a lot of liars (on both sides) to even things up and that is in nobody's interest. FFS we have massive things to worry about. If we are going to take anyone to court it should be David Cameron and ask him why the hell he thought it was right, or legal to allow the simple man-in-the-street a YES/NO answer to such an enormous, momentous decision. He is the reason the country is in the mess it is in and at the crossroads it will be at for years to come. It's a crime that cannot go unpunished in my opinion and goes far beyond 'misconduct in a public office'.
Who gives a foook about Fat Boris, get a grip and talk sport. Otherwise find another forum that chats sh$t.
We have to be careful, but I think everyone would agree that we don't want to end up with a leader like Trump who lies more than they are truthful. We have to be aware of the difference between a lie, and a prediction/forecast of a policy. Saying we pay the EU £350M per week, even after correction is lying. If he was the CEO of a PLC company, he would be facing legal action for potential fraud. If it was on an advert, the ASA would be all over it. Why is a politician above reproach?
It's quite serious, otherwise wouldn't have got this far. Carries a possible life sentence, according to BBC. In other words, he'll get away with it.
As the DJ says though, Mr C, no judgement was made on the evidence itself - she simply thought there was sufficient argument to justify the issue of proceedings. I think it will be chucked out before it gets very far in the Crown Court.
What makes me laugh about remainers and their campaign for another referendum on brexit. Is their notion that the leavers were mis- informed. Wasn't there a remain campaign during the previous referendum? What were they doing?
Mainly trying to forecast what might happen whilst those brexit voting either shouted project fear or buried their head in the sand.
I made an informed decision on whether I thought we should leave the EU or not and voted to leave. Based on did I like the idea that the U.K was being told what to do by the E.U? I didn't like the idea of being governed from Brussels, Paris, Geneva or Berlin so I voted leave. All the other factors were brought in by remainers that can't accept the result of the referendum to cloud the issue and bring about even more fear and indecision. So much so that even the M.Ps don't know whether to ****, shower or shave.
Yes protest voters that don't know what we're talking about that grew up on housing estates, do drugs and attend BNP rallies. I get the picture.
the simple man was asked in 1975 for his opinion and nobody peddled the myth that they were incapable of making a decision then.
I appreciate that you made an informed decision to vote Leave. However, I truly believe a good number didn’t. I feel the Leave campaign lied through its back teeth & should be held accountable . I know other people feel that Remain lied with “project fear”. If we take these 2 issues together, it’s logical (to my mind) that we can’t keep going on about “it’s democracy”! The fate of 4 countries based on lies is so so wrong. We have leavers saying: it’s the will of the people: we won, you lost: brexit is brexit: get over it: I don’t want to be ruled by Germans, we fought a war for this We have remainders saying: you’re racists & xenophobes: I don’t want to be ruled by fascists, we fought a war for this Reasoned argument has gone out of the window (except in a few cases, SD) I truly believe that 52/48 is too close to call for such a life-changing decision (it’s the only thing Nigel & I agree upon, I think) We are a divided kingdom & I don’t see how we come back from this - we are most certainly not a United Kingdom! I know some think we’re a big joke, but for me, this isn’t a comedy but a complete tragedy It get back to the original point, anyone in public office who knowingly & demonstrably lies should be prosecuted! Otherwise, we’re doomed, Capt Mainwaring!
Shouldn't the people who were falsifying information for the remain campaign be brought to account as well then? There was scaremongering by both sides after all.