Yes, they are. Over 80% of the UK catch are herring and mackeral, which are sold into the EU (so will be hit by tariffs), and 80% of the fish consumed in the UK are imported from the EU (so tariffs could hit the price at the chippy). But, most of the UK quotas are owned by a small number of Tory supporting families who have passed them on to overseas fishermen.
Thanks for the link, I’d not seen that before. Scarily, lots of the kids at school were filling in those football ones as they’re young and gullible and were all adamant they would win.
i've yet to speak to one fisherman who agrees with you scoff, and i've asked dozens while travelling up and down the country.
i am on facebook scoff and i am a passionate leaver,have been for 30 years and i was never ever targeted with anything you are claiming,.. you can put up links all you want but i have seen nothing of any of it, i've liked dozens and dozens of pro leave posts but have never ever been targeted like you are suggesting.. nothing zero,zilch pal
who are you trying kid.. i've never ever heard so much tripe in my life 'i wouldnt know' claptrap jamdrop, if anything there was more pro remain propaganda
Absolute, unadulterated ********. That’s the whole point of the targeted stuff done by the likes of CA - you, or me, or anyone else simply would NOT know they were being targeted. To suggest otherwise is naive at best. Why do you think it made such huge news??!?
You really should read things before you suggest they support your view... (from the leaflet) To bring together the peoples of Europe. To raise living standards and improve working conditions. To promote growth and boost world trade. To help the poorest regions of Europe and the rest of the world. To help maintain peace and freedom. Like I said - it was always more than a 'common market'.
The internet has gone weird in the last hour or so. First I was called a ‘fatty’ and ‘chubby’ by a Brexit Party supporting troll on Twitter* and now this comment. The whole point is that the people weren’t aware that they were targeted. That was why they didn’t label it as being promoted by them, so people wouldn’t know. *This is my Twitter pic:
Good grief! I've got more flab on my little finger than you have on your entire body! They're not only a troll, but a blind troll!
I checked that they were indeed replying to me and then thanked them for clarifying and told them there was clearly no further use in continuing our discussion. Not blocking them as they probably only want the ‘blocked’ screenshot. Full disclosure: that pic is from when I was 26 so not exactly recent but 1) that’s all they had to go on and 2) I’m still that size anyway.
I'm not on Twitter, nor Facebook for that matter. My family insist I'm grumpy enough already and those particular media sites would make me even worse!
The rest of my family are on facebook. They relented, allowing me and my grumpiness on here & are insistent they won't make the same mistake again, only with a bigger audience!
I'm going to have to disagree...the info you've quoted is sparse and fairly glib and general....nothing to worry anyone...No mention of European Union, no mention of a single mention of a European Central Bank or the European Defence Agency or a Common Foreign and Security Policy or the European External Action Service, no mention of abolishing passport control via Schengen or the big changes of Maastricht. My guess DR is that you're probably younger than me (I was born in 1957) and are selecting what you are finding online, but I voted in '75 and I can tell you honestly the mainstream parties, politicians and media were virtually all onside in saying that it was no more than a trading arrangement. I could be wrong, but I think the words Economic and Common Market were only inserted and used by the British Govt. There were few alternative views to be found, only 3 TV channels....the BBC had 5 minutes of news about 1 0'Clock...15 mins of news around 6 O'Clock , and 25 mins at 9 O'Clock...ITV was roughly the same.... no internet, or twitter..virtually no current affairs on the Radio. The press at the time was overwhelmingly Remain....from the Guardian "For many years, several of Britain’s national newspapers have been critical of the European Union and all its works. The hostility goes back at least as far as the early 1980s, to the EU’s previous incarnations as, simply, the Common Market or, more formally, the European Economic Community (EEC) or European Community. But this antagonism represented a change of mind from the previous decade when the national press exhibited hysterical enthusiasm for European integration during the run-up to the June 1975 referendum. People were to be asked a single, simple question: “Do you think that the United Kingdom should stay in the European Community (the Common Market)?” They were under no illusion which answer was favoured by their newspapers. Yes, yes, yes said the Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, the Sun, the Times, the Financial Times, the Guardian, Daily Mirror and Daily Record. Their combined daily circulation at the time was just shy of 15m (giving them a readership of some 45m). By contrast, the no camp was represented by the Communist Party’s Morning Star, the short-lived workers’ co-operative title, the Scottish Daily News, and the Dundee Courier. Together, they sold fewer than 150,000. So Harold Wilson’s Labour government was able to rely on the country’s main propaganda vehicles to back his call for a yes vote."
Shouldn't hit the chippy too badly, the vast bulk of our Cod comes from outside the EU...the bulk of our Haddock is UK's own.
And therein lies your issue - laid out were the multiple aims of the EEC that you claimed did't exist, and your response is 'nothing to worry about'. The inference being that the EU is 'something to worry about'. It's just funny - the EU has stuck to that aspirational list far better than most of our elected governments have stuck to any manifesto in my lifetime. I am younger than you - but not by much, what I remember about the UK prior to the EU was being the 'sick man of Europe' of 3 day weeks and power cuts, the country where I live now is in one of the healthiest and wealthiest countries in one of the worlds strongest trading blocks. Do I think the EU has held us back - are you kidding? It's hilarious that the pre EU history the politicians are selling is one of Victorian power - it's a complete farce designed to appeal to people with no political knowledge - life just before the EU was horrific, you can't pretend differently.