You do what is necessary if you want to live in a civilised society. In UK illegal possession of a firearm can get you 10 years jail time. It tends to focul the mind. It would certainly reduce the (% gun deaths per day in the US.
How can anyone honestly that question? It would depend on the state of mind of the intruder - you know, the person who has broken into your property with a gun intent on criminal activity.
I will concede that if I could guarantee: That I would never use the gun other than in self-defence; That in a self-defence situation I would know for sure that the intruder would shoot me if I didn't shoot him That I would always shoot only the intruder with perfect reflexes and 100% accuracy; That no-one other than me would ever gain access to the gun Then owning one might be justifiable. But I can't guarantee any of the above and neither can anyone else.
No. Most intruders don't want to be caught. If they go armed with a gun and worse still.use it then they risk a life sentence. However if they believe the householder would have a gun then the stakes become higher and they are more likely to panic. All statistics show guns are not the answer but unfortunately the yanks are stubborn and the NRA a powerful lobby group. As regards knives, again youngsters might carry one thinking it protects them but again it can escalate things. Watched a programme where a lad showed he had a knife to someone who was bothering his girlfriend, they then rang some "mates" and they came back In numbers and he was fatally stabbed.
We're not talking about illegal gun control in the UK though. The OP is about gun control in the USA where it's legal to open a firearm.
I know. The point is they could do with making itillegal if they want to reduce the almost constant stream of massacres each year.
They don't want to be caught? So what if I catch them but I'm unarmed and they're not? Nice gun wielding Mr Burglar won't shoot. Then I promise not report him if he doesn't shoot me then we share a twinky. Ok.
Exactly. He shoots you dead he risks life imprisonment. He runs off with or without your valuables probably would escape prison.
Common sense? Ok. You would be a lot more relaxed in that situation than I would be. That's all I can say and you are putting too much faith in human logic.
I wouldn't own a gun if I could guarantee that a criminal intent on nefarious activities and being armed with a gun and had absolutely no intention of using it. Which begs the question, if they don't intend to fire it at any point, why are they carrying it?
In this country they are unlikely to be. In America because they will.most likely feel that a householder may be armed . You hear a noise, grab your gun and shoot. Could be your son unexpectedly coming home that night when you thought he was at his girlfriend's. I wouldn't take the risk.
I lived in Austin Texas for over2 years a very laid back city but there is never any political moves to change the gun laws it wove political suicide
Wow. So armed burglars won't shoot a householder if he is unarmed but same householder will shoot his own son if he has a gun. Someone has just let themselves into my house with a key, I know my son has been out and should be home some time and I could shout out "is that you son"? I think I'll just shoot him instead.
I know what you’re saying but the fact that so many people do accidentally kill their family members thinking it is an intruder shows that it’s a very real problem. I bet every single person who’s done it would say that they 100% wouldn’t - until they did.
Morons owning guns is a problem. However, in a society where gun culture is so intrinsic to and prevalent in society, the only option is to own one yourself. This really is a case of you can't beat them so join them. If you lived in a high risk flood zone you would take precautions. Why wouldn't you in a society at risk of gun crime?