So why not do something about it ? Proper compulsory road craft training, group riding limited in numbers, single file only, registration plates and insurance. Most groups are a bloody nuisance and a danger to themselves and others. Frustrating other road users so that they can live out their fantasies cant be the safest thing to do can it. All the gear, no idea. Regulate, educate, train. Free for all as it stands.
Shared education for all road users I'm completely in tune with. Cyclists, horse riders, drivers all make errors, misjudgement etc. I get more frustrated with impatient drivers tbh. Interested as to why single file riding though? Every day on my bike I see near misses when impatient drivers try and squeeze past single riders with oncoming traffic ahead or close to traffic islands. How do these drivers cope when they're behind a road sweeper, milk float, JCB/Tractor?
I don't think what Lopez did was unreasonable. It wasn't excessive (what was shown anyway) and presumably no penalty followed for the rider. Hopefully it's a reminder to spectators to respect the trust they've been given with having such close up access to these elite riders. Stupid is as stupid does I guess.
Because of what happened There's currently no requirement for cyclists to be trained, insured or registered, the roads would be safer for cyclists if they were more focused on careful and considerate riding and less so on on their time. Groups should be limited to no more than 4 and never two abreast, you guys can be as entitled as you wish but you v 2 tonne of metal is only going to end one way. Get some training, be registered and therefore accountable.
I'm sure you'll be aware of the past collisions and near misses involving the peloton and spectators. I dint hunk these idiots will ever learn. Although I don't think we will be seeing the lad involved yesterday chasing Chris Froome up Alpe d'Huez!
In part I don't disagree. I think there is room for courtesy at times from cyclists to "give way". Still safer for a car to overtake on the opposite side of the road though as per the graphic. There seems to be a misplaced assumption in these discussions (not just on here) that drivers are error free. We seem to be in a society of increasing intolerance and annoyance. Some ride bikes, some are pedestrians, some drive cars too? For what it's worth, I've got insurance for cycling (purely leisure, not fit enough for a racing license or anything like that) but part of my rationale for getting it is that I can't guarantee if a vehicle hit me that the driver would be insured. I nearly got t-boned riding on Hough Lane in Wombwell last month, riding on my own, VW Touran pulled out of Copeland Road. Forced me onto the pavement to avoid him, why would a driver pull out with any road user so close to them? You are correct, the outcome between a vehicle and bike is weighted one way. Hence my view that some shared courtesy and responsibility is needed.
What if you're in a club with 20 mates and you all decide to go out in your silly outfits playing at cycle racer ? I live on the tour route, its a bloody nightmare some days, traffic backed up just invites impatient overtakes, so where do you stand on compulsory training and registration plates to make it safer ??
There also appears to be an assumption that car drivers own the road because they pay "road tax" which is the only way the country funds road building. Then they get angry and resentful because cyclists are using the roads for free.
I think most of the county lives on or near to the tour route. How often do you see groups of twenty riders out together? How are we administering this training and reg plates and who's paying?
I've got a couple of good mates who have drilled that into me for years. Until recently, as I now don't pay "road tax" to drive my car, the emissions are below the threshold. I'll have to use the bus, I shouldn't ride my bike or presumably drive my car.
So you ride a bike and you have a low emission vehicle? Disgraceful. I wouldn't recommend public transport though so best off walking.
You'd be surprised, the local club meet in Snaith on evenings and weekends and take up all the road not giving a stuff about the journeys if anyone else. Cyclists should have very similar training to we motorcyclists, you have to pay for the training and pass your CBT before you can go for your full licence. Should be no different for cyclists and would make the roads safer for all. But I guess its just easier to demonize the car drivers.
Not sure compulsory training would work. It's certainly not done anything for the standard of driving. Seriously though, what age should it be done at and would the registration "plate" follow the bike or remain with the owner if the bike is sold? My son and daughter have both done proficiency tests (Bikeability) and I'd really support government investment to help all schools provide it. I can only advocate more tolerance and courtesy between all road users. It's a two-way thing, has to be. A lot could be learned by all British road users from the continent, especially Netherlands and France.
It definitely needs looking at, all the bikes I’ve owned have their headlight permanently on but drivers pull out and say they didn't see you. I’d make all road users take their CBT, including car drivers so that each has an appreciation of life on two wheels. The road network here isn't set up like it is in Holland, been there many times and its a different culture. Do a couple of things to keep you safe, wont look cool but you’ll be safer - before turning or overtaking look over the shoulder of the direction you’re turning, if my man had he wouldn't have hit me, when approaching a junction make eye contact with any drivers waiting to emerge and move about in your lane so they see the movement, and fit a light bar to the front of your bike. If you’d all so some training instead of lamenting the discourtesy of others and the road network you’d be safer.