With respect Spider, the definition I've always took to outline a bigot, is someone who contends that their beliefs, culture, opinions or background is superior to others. If it simply meant an intolerance to someone else's views, we could "all" surely be labelled as bigots couldn't we.? Whilst recognising her right to hold an opinion, she doesn't appear to tolerate those of others and never changes her position, or apologises , even if she's eventually proved to be wrong.
I understand that Conan, but the point was they are running high at the minute in the GE polling and only have one policy. This is a view of a person they have let go on the BBC to speak for them. My problem isn't about Leave / Remain, but one of the festering underbelly of what some (not all), may be.
I really hope that normal folk look beyond the sh1show that has become brexit. I don’t know how a party with one policy such as this can stand for an election to the UK parliament and be serious but then plenty of people voted UKIP. Looking at the EU elections it seems a lot of support deserted them to vote brexit. The Peterborough by election on Thursday will be very interesting, I’m unsure who the brexit candidate is but if he or she is anything like widdicombe god help the people of Peterborough.
There’s ‘quality’ people through out all the parties that are currently involved within British Politics. It’s not solely the remit of a politician who’s opinion and politics you do not agree with. Be it views on sexuality, religion, diversity, funding or even how to treat someone who’s political standpoint differs from yours.
I agree that there are. Surely views such as this are Victorian? Or at least pre 1967? A time when we were not in the EU.
Her comments appeared on the BBC News page around 40 minutes ago and have already provoked a a response from several prominent people. Tory MP Justine Greening on Twitter " We don't need a cure for love # Love wins." Labour MP Luke Pollard says she's continuing her " sick anti-LGBT campaign. People really ought to be ashamed to be represented by this vile woman". Comedian Adi Ray says her comments are "deplorable" adding " she's changed her Political party, but not her stripes." And former Tory MP Nick Boles who is now an Independent has accused her of " poisonous bigotry".
U fkin wot u fkin immigrade luvin wnka y dont u suk of a terorris Not my words, but plausibly the words of those who drive you to that comment and me to echo it
I think the big problem with Widdecombe is that she is gay herself, but her religious beliefs have stopped her from being happy.
Recall that three former Tory MP's Johnathan Aitken ( perjury), Jeffrey Archer ( perjury) and John Profumo ( lying in Parliament ), all panicked and made statements that were eventually proved to be false, when they were finally confronted with the truth.!
As Donny-Red says Spider you have misunderstood what Bigotry means For example I dont tolerate the view that its OK to have sex with children - some people think its OK - am I a bigot for strongly opposing that I also dont support the view that homosexuality is a disease that can be cured - there is a lot of scientific research that backs up that view there is no credible science that supports Widecome - am I a bigot for saying I dont think her views which are against all scientific evidence should be given any airtime or support. Let alone the fact that even if it was possible to change someones sexual preference I wouldn't agree it was the right thing to do anyway.
Are you happy that the Labour candidate has been out apologising for some interesting facbook likes and comments...