There isn’t anyone else out there that can do it. If America isn’t the leading country in the world - then we have the alternatives of either Russia or China. In that case I’ll stick with the USA.
To tell yer the truth I would not even consider Ireland in the Brexit negotiations. Tail wagging the dog. They fooking HATE us English. And I’m saying this when 50% of my DNA is Irish.
So any of us who have family and friends from the Emerald Isle are actually hated by them really. I’ll say this for you , you are consistent with all your subject material on here. That is, you talk absolute ****** about politics, football and BFC in general.
That’s exactly right. Unfortunately we have countries out there that are trying to conquer other countries through financial influence. China making big inroads in Africa. Human rights of China spreading throughout the world.
Yes - I have family and friends in Ireland. I have a cousin from over here that’s just got back from visiting. Mayo.
Think there us loads of room in America so it's a long way from being over run. Why shouldn't China be the leading nation in the world? Why do you think America should be? Personally I'd rather no ove had nuclear missiles but that genies out the bottle now.
We can’t have that happening can we. As if we’d do anything like that ever, ever. I doubt very much that those poor souls in places like Yemen who are getting the fook bombed out of them by the Saudis using British ammo, will appreciate this.
There is a lot of talk about the special relationship between the UK and USA, but why is that more important than the relationship with the Russians or Chinese. Both fought on our side in WW2, the Russians also in WW1. Arguably both of them turned the tide against the Germans on the Eastern Front and the Japanese in Asia and both gave more than 20million lives to the cause.
Here's the thing nudge. Ireland can't be the tail wagging the dog because... they're a different dog. That's exactly the sort of comment that gets people's backs up, the number of British people that somehow feel it's still part of the UK in some way and should be subservient to our interests. You do see some anti english comment on online forums but you see an equal amount of totally arrogant, completely misinformed comments on Ireland from right leaning Daily Mail types. 50% of them do not hate us. For what it's worth I live on the edge of a ghaeltacht and have never had so much as a cross word or unfriendly glance from anyone. But then I try not to act like a tw*t.
" trump locks up children at the border , he's a monster !" . Then it turns out it was Obama's policy and nothing is said . " Trump's pulled out of the Paris climate accord , what a fool !" . Then it turns out Obama increased oil production year on year during his presidency and opened the Arctic to drilling twice . It's amazing what you can get away with when you talk nice .
The thread isn't about Obama. It's about Trump. However, I suggest you actually research independent analysis of the locking kids up at the border. And did Trump withdraw the US from the Paris Accord or didn't he?
Yeh but have they murdered any politician or planned to machety any politician like the rabid , rancid right wing cancer?
Mi great grandad's n grandad"s were hard left wingers, bet tha wunt ev called em snowflakes n stayed in one piece, nar then.
None of it is understandable. He refutes the knowledge of far more intelligent people, that's what thick people do. The man is ignorant, narcissistic and unnecessarily belligerent.
Western Politics should have taken Trump as a real wake up call to reform. The reality is he was voted in because he was anyone but Clinton and was very much a protest vote. In terms of a person he is clearly a PR nightmare who can’t be controlled and coerced but whilst there is lots of negative stories about him and his tenure America has not been in such a strong place for a long time, in terms of day to day finances.