In my opinion, a US President should not be saying things like “my red button is bigger than his!” When talking about the capability to kill millions of people with one actio; nor should he encourage a “drain the swamp “ rhetoric when taking about human beings. He is not a “fit & proper” person for the office (or own an EFL football club)
Well we could always join Corbyn on a cnd rally and swap our missiles for coloured paint and daisies, maybe the bad boys will leave us alone if we just keep our heads down and stay quiet. Tried appeasement with Hitler and look how that worked out. Dunt mess or else, nobodys tried a military invasion since
He exhibits a dangerous combination of narcissism and lack of intelligence. He forms a view on something and from that point on he is so sure of his own unimpeachable brilliance that he will never concede an inch or consider evidence to the contrary. Anything that undermines his view is simply dismissed as fake news or evidence of mainstream media conspiracies. There's a big difference between being a strong and effective leader and being a stubborn idiot, but unfortunately his supporters don't see it.
That sentence could have equally been ascribed to a certain Adolf Hitler but he was even more dangerous as he united most of the population using scapegoat and state propaganda. Not sure how successful he would be in an age of social media and the internet.
I would guess going on the way Putin is having great success along with Trump and Farage Hitler would have just got there faster had he had social media to help
Hundreds of countries DONT have nuclear weapons. The only country to get attacked with nuclear weapons is Japan and they've still not got em. South Africa used to have them but gave them up. The idea that you can't be a successful country with a global presence without nuclear weapons is a red herring. Nothing to do with colored paint and daisies.
The cuckoos always been there churton , that's one good thing I can say about trump that everyone's wide awake now . Take operation gatekeeper here..... Absolutely disgusting in my opinion . That policy was enacted by Clinton and dutifully carried out by both bush and Obama as well as the aforementioned Clinton . But we have to wait until trump comes along for everyone to suddenly be outraged ? It's the double standards that grates me like everything was good , then 2016 happened . As for breaking the 2 party system to solve political discord , I don't really see it . A quick look at france/Italy pays testament to that . You can add Germany to that list in a few years once the CDU crumble .
I really don't see America as the land of the free in any way. If you are wealthy you are "free". America has been a United States, just about since the civil war. Different states & cities are amazing & others are as far back educationally & culturally as parts of the Middle East, Africa & Russia, both in their religious views that are used to suppress women's rights, enforce ludicrous gun laws, penal code, etc. Trump's comments on the mayors of New York & London, show who he plays to. There is little centre ground there, it depends on the state. I take on board criticisms of Obama too, who was a bit of a lame duck to change anything, but represented his country with far greater dignity, even if a lot of foreign policy was a massive let down. The two party system there means that no real change occurs, whoever the president is, as usually they don't have a majority in both Houses. It is starting to show up now in our own electoral system, which is deeply divisive. I'd rather have a PR system, like most European countries have. Merkel has had to reach out to the centre left for support. France has had a new party break through. I'm not championing either, but they are countries that have to have a real dialogue to put a government together. Le Pen & her cohorts get seats, but they won't get power under such a system. We are leaving ourselves open for a disastrous Brexit Party win at the next General Election the way things are going.
The Americans only joined the war after the Japanese attacked them on Hawaii in 1941. The Chinese joined the war after the Japanese attacked them in Manchuria in 1937. The only difference is that the Chinese fought them for longer and lost a lot more people than the Americans did - including the torture and rape of around 300,000 Chinese in Nanjing.