Japan not only does not have nuclear weapons, it does not have offensive armed forces and is not allowed to by constitution.
Following the 2nd world war, despite reparation payments, the economies of Japan and Germany (west) flourished, how much of that is a result of the lack of defence spending?
you are spot that the chinese were fighting japan from 1937 onwards, however this was not when the joined 'the war', you statement is a little miss leading scoff.
Were they fighting the Japanese in 1937? Yes Could it be seen as the start of hostilities in Asia? Possibly (although invading Manchuria in 1931 could also be seen as the start but it really dates back to the first China-Japan war, like WW2 in Europe dated back to WW1). Did this fighting stop before September 1945? No They were at war with Japan in 1937, and it could be considered the start of the Pacific conflict of WW2.
to put it in simple terms, the chinese / japanese hostilities were nothing to do with to do with the outbreak of war in europe, you interpretation scoff , as i've previously said is miss leading and i'm unsure what you are getting at the uk and france went to war with germany because of the invasion of poland the russians went to war with germany because the germans decided to take on russia, this after russia and germany had been on the same side with each other ,a pact/agreement had been signed between the two nations but germans decided to tare it up , much like they did with previous agreements they had between themselves and various other european nations. china,as you acknowledge was already at war with japan, they did not join the allies until 1941, which coincided with the americans joining it after the japs attacked pearl harbour in a nutshell the germans caused the war in europe and the japanese caused it in asia
You asked when did the left murder/plan on murdering any politician so I provided an example for you. Here's what you said "Yeh but have they murdered any politician or planned to machety any politician like the rabid , rancid right wing cancer?"
That’s true dek but it was inevitable we were gonna go to war with Japan and Korea . The Japanese/ Koreans had already joined an axis in anticipation with Germany, Italy , Rumania and Hungary . The Japanese had intentions of infiltrating British interests in Asia long before 1939 and that’s why we kept a large presence in Asia (the empire).as well as the BEF in Europe. So although Japan only had intentions of occupying Asia they knew the axis was inevitable and so did the Nazis
thats right pal, the germans, italians and japenese had held talks before the germans invaded poland, all three were looking after their interests and the expansion of their empires