World cup hysteria, where quite frankly we were very poor, all this Gareth Southgate is the Messiah nonsense is laughable, he's nice lad, talks well, but, he's frightened to death when the chips are down (remember Belgium?) So just do as I do, expect the worst and you wont be disappointed.
Southgate being quoted on the BBC website as saying " we didn't lose because of the way we wanted to play. We lost through a combination of poor execution and fatigue." Delph, Stones, Barkley and possibly Lingard have not been regular starters for their Club sides in the season just ended, so I honestly can't see how they should be fatigued. I couldn't believe it when Barkley went down with cramp. Southgate now saying that was a contributory factor in him conceding possession for one of their goals. Any player he suspected of suffering from fatigue should have been substituted surely.?
Who would be your choice, Trump? To be fair he would just flat out insist that we won last night and any reports to the contrary would be dismissed as fake news.
Weak I think he’s the opposite ruthless way he,s got rid of old guard and brought in younger models. This guy will get us there I have no doubts.
Your complete ignorance of anything to do with football is, at least, consistent. I’ll give you that.
And often those views are ‘consistent’ with the views of others on here. So don’t be ‘ignorant’ read the views of others on here. Concentrate. Or at least try.
Or you could tell him you disagree with him and have - I don't know - a discussion maybe? Just a thought.
It’s what happens when thoughts manifest themselves into words, which you either speak or write down. That’s how it works for me, anyrode.
I wrote them down. If I’d spoken them, you wouldn’t have known what they were and wouldn’t have been able to chip in as you did. If there’s a way of posting comments on here as audio files, please do share. This is ace.
Completely disagree with the OP. I think Southgate is a good England manager. I enjoy watching them, last summer was a joy to watch in the main. Not sure this Nations League thing was much of a priority. He didn’t start Trent, Kane, Henderson etc as they’d just played a Champions League final. I don’t think there was much between the two sides last night but we gifted them bad, bad goals. I thought John Stones was horrific, for all three goals. But yeah. I like this England setup and we’ve a lot of young talent coming through also.
You must A) have been watching a different game B) have been drinking C) have an over inflated football knowledge ego. D) enjoy being a WUM. I suspect D)