Don’t know whether you really want to know how old I am. I didn’t say that he was extreme, I said he was seen in that light. All you have to do is engage someone on the opposite side of the Brexit argument and you are at an extreme. My point is that Brexit has made it so that there is no centre ground. Corbyn is bravely attempting to keep all views inside, whilst The Brexit Party doesn’t try to please anyone but its own supporters. Incidentally The Brexit Party is not new, it’s UKIP, which needed a relaunch, because it has become toxic. In case you’re wondering, I’m a labour supporting remainer and I think the Labour Party needs its Corbyns, but they never do well in leadership.
I have been staunch labour all my life. If we go back a bit there was a vote by the membership for the New leader after Milliband. Their was an influx of new membership . The older members did not pick up on this. To say Corbyn was anywhere near getting the job was a joke. Hey presto he gets the job and it is the new mysterious voters. Now probably called momentum Corbyn is a disaster for General labour supporters, always has been. I do not think Labour can win abn election with him as leader I will not vote for him I know a lot of people who will not vote for him Still a labour man but not a Corbyn man A leopard never changes its spots That's my take and I am sticking to it
A bit of a misunderstanding there maybe. I agree with your original post. I’ve loads of time for JC but I think he struggles as a Leader. My comments about the ‘extremes’ related to those on this forum who think Labour’s policies are charecterized as extreme left wing. Laughable. As I said, they could just about be described as Social Democratic. My point about someone’s age simply meant if you genuinely believe the Labour Party represent extreme left wing policies, you can’t have lived on this planet for very long.
I’m a bit loath to say this but if you think Brexit trumps all other issues that the Labour Party has policies on (health, social care, taxation, education, a more balanced economy, a fairer more just society etc...) then I wouldn’t want you voting for the Labour party. That kind of one eyed ‘extremism’ we can do without. P.s i’m A leave voter but I can still think rationally.
You used that term 'remoaner' about seven times in your initial post, whilst casting scorn on those who disagree with your view, saying they're immature. Hence the responses since. Also, you refer to the 52/48% vote like it was in actual fact 72/28%. It was a very, very close call. And that's why it's still unresolved.
Due to the very close result of the Peterborough by-election and the likelihood that those who voted Labour 'didn't know what they voted for' should we have another election there?
In case you hadn't noticed, there's a rerun every 5 years or when an MP is ousted / dies / steps down. That democracy for you, a fact lost on quitters.
Because Corbyn has not made his position clear on a number of important issues - what is labour party policy on remaining in or leaving the EU - what is the policy on calling for a second referendum - what is the policy for dealing with anti-Semitism in the party?
No but he has made his position clear on schools, welfare, public services and the NHS. All far more important than your attempt to troll about the EU. All things I’m sure the people of Peterborough who voted for the brexit party fully considered, just like your good self.
But Labour didn’t campaign on that, concentrating on all the issues affecting the local community - cuts, housing, education, social and healthcare....the stuff that’s been criminally neglected during all this fiasco. So they did, very much know what they were voting for.
I agree, we should accept that when people vote they have good reasons why they vote in a particular way. And we should totally respect the result of any election and respect those who voted as they did.
And many did just that in the referendum, of course, but equally, there were many who voted leave having swallowed all the nonsense about what a land of milk & honey we’d be living in after leaving the EU. Isn’t it fair they now get to pass judgement on what was actually on offer rather than the complete fabrications of the leave campaign?? Nothing more democratic than that. If they still want to leave now the realities are known, then they can vote leave again, obviously.
I was stunned Labour won the Peterborough by-election. I truly thought with what what going on at the moment they would be utterly destroyed. The fact they won rekindles a bit of hope in me for the future. It’s also quite nice to see so many political ‘commentators ‘ (professional and amateur) so furious at that result, and desperately trying to spin an explanation.