If gove is to be believed that he admitted to taking class A drugs. Then surely he would fail any criteria to enter the USA given their strict entrance rules. Not good for any UK prime minister. Lol
Personally I don’t care about looks but unfortunately that’s not the world we seem to live in these days
I don't judge politicians on physical appearance myself but what you say seems a bit harsh on the kipper
He's spoken this morning ( 10th) only to say, that if he gets the keys to No 10 , he will press on with his plans to increase the 40% top rate of income tax to £80k. That's sure to be well received with a lot of card carrying Tory members when it comes time for them to vote in the final ballot. Meanwhile, Baroness Warsi has said that Michael Goves bid to become Tory leader, is " hypocrisy of the highest order", when he criticised middle class professionals over their drug habits in his newspaper column in 1999, when he himself, was actively using cocaine. Fellow candidates Hunt, Leadsom, Stewart and Johnson have all admitted the use of "substances" in their early life. Seem to recall Theresa May mentioning something about "grass" when she was younger, but only did it once, because it triggered her hay fever.!
Loving Boris’s tax pledge. Aimed purely at getting him the gig. I’m sure all the folk those cnuts’ policies have driven into poverty will be just thrilled to know the rich will be getting richer. Mind you, the fat, racist, lying f.u.ck couldn’t possibly deliver on his pledge, so maybe not.
Which is interesting when most of the Tory membership are pensioners, and not many pensioners earn over £50k VAT is generally seen as a "progressive" tax, and the only country in the top 60 by GDP not to have some form of VAT is the USA, who have sales taxes. I agree that the cliff-edge could be changed for small-biz, but from a consumer viewpoint it is probably better than the alternative. Liechtenstein has the same rate of VAT as Switzerland (max 7.7%) and is in the Single Market. We can have a different rate, but probably not scrap it altogether.
Double standards by the eu again. They have rules about corporation tax aswell but let Eire have 12% and Luxembourg at 5.5% on intellectual property, hence Ebay, Amazon etc all export their profits and pay tax there. A country's budget contributions are in part decided by what it raises in VAT hence they have skin in the game as to what those rates are. Would imagine the deals negotiated by Swiss and Lichenstein are because they are not full members and play a block lump sum
No coincidence that his MPs salary is currently £79,468.00 per year and will apparently also cost £9.6bn per year to deliver: wonder who would be funding that.
Im obviously lacking any grasp of how the economy or politics work - as I understand it we dont have enough money to properly fund the NHS the police and criminal justice system the Defence forces and Schools amongst other things so how do tax cuts for the rich help anything. All the leading contenders are proposing some form of tax cuts, though Boris's is the most ridiculous if he ever wants to win back voters who have switched to other parties. That is aside from the fact they seem to have forgotton they will be PM in a minority government so the chances of getting any of that through are slim. Lots of chest thumping over who will be the toughest negotiators of our exit deal from most of them which is guaranteed to fail as the EU will just walk away - they dont want no deal but will allow it to happen if we dont show any signs of being reasonable Best comment I saw this morning was from Faisal Islam "V odd this “race to be PM” from afar - tax plans that won’t pass this Parliament, Brexit “plans” that won’t pass Parliament, promise not to have GE - promises being made to tiny selectorate that aren’t in hands of winner to deliver... It’s like a unicorn Grand National..... Actually, probably more like a unicorn Grand National without dope tests..."
VAT and "sales taxes" are the biggest fiddle in tax history. While we're on here discussing which is the best and how much it should or shouldn't be, the average man and woman in the street is getting screwed. The government makes a big thing about cutting income tax or boasting about the lowest income tax rates in the western world etc, but cuts in income tax or raising thresholds really suits the big earners, a percentage of big money is big money, a percentage of little is little, A washing machine, vacuum cleaner, school uniform, pram etc AND the VAT cost the same whether you're me, an average bloke, or a multi millionaire hedge fund manager. The burden of tax is therefore higher for lower paid workers and benefit claimants. Do away with VAT and put income tax up to the required rate to compensate for the VAT loss, then sit back and listen to the howls and screams of persecution from the well healed.