Saying he's unelectable just falls into the Tory trap. Any labour leader is unelectable according to the press apart from Blair when they realised how fed up the electorate were with the Tories.
Proof? Read the headlines and the 12 pages per day about him. Nothing at all about how good the tories are just a race to the bottom making sure they tell everyone how bad they think he is. As for your post where’s the proof media and news is mainly social media? Are you saying the majority of people get the news from places such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter? Those bastions of news agencies?
Unfortunately, the race to the bottom is what sells the newspapers... it’s been the same with many parties and leaders. There have been loads of stuff about the maybot too, and other Tory scandals. Please tell me point me in the direction of a newspaper that printed 12 pages in just one day last week on Jeremy Corbyn. I’m not even asking for one where they did it for a full week as claimed... TV is the most-used platform for news nowadays by UK adults (79%), followed by the internet (64%), radio (44%) and newspapers (40%). However, the internet is the most popular platform among 16-24s (82%) and ethnic minority groups (EMGs) (73%). There is the proof. I didn’t claim that social media was a good place to get news from, however it is often claimed on here that the daily rubbish is all to blame for the anti Corbyn movement.... Don’t forget that social media is what people share and think, so instead of ignoring it or poo pooing it... maybe somebody should take it more seriously..
I’m saying the general public are being scaremongered. Typically you want me to prove the media are lieing rather than the media proving the contrary. The proof is that the liars have no proof they have to prove first for disprove which they cannot do .
Corbyn has facilitated brexit. I find it very hard to forgive him for that. The British public is not a majority of Socialists who would vote Labour were they not hoodwinked by the press. I'm fairly sure that the great majority do not hold Socialist ideals. I sort of wish they did but the evidence of history suggests that's not the case. Take Blair out of the equation and I think Labour have won seven general elections. Like it or not Corbyn is too easy a target for the Tories and Labour would have a much better chance with someone else in charge.
Is he a Tory? If he is, tell him he's a lovely person. No arguments. Courtesy of those seeking to hold court on the BBS.
They are being scaremongered on all sides... Typically you also just can’t prove that the media is lying. Maybe, if these things weren’t true... the person in question could come forward and put their case forward, and the set up a slander case against the offending party. Then get the press that you think they deserve. So Gove didn’t take drugs, May isn’t a heartless Maybot bent on destruction, Boris isn’t a buffoon... etc. Or do you believe the stuff that fits your opinion?
But I have proved they are lying it’s just you can’t/won’t see it !! There is no proof he did these things and that’s my proof . If you are accusing someone of doing these things then you would have proof and there just isn’t any . You want a someone to prove he’s not done something when his accusers can’t even prove he had done it wtf
You didn’t say social media was a good place and neither did I, you did claim it’s where everyone gets there news from though! But nowhere in your stats does it say everyone gets their news from social media? Do you mean the internet? Like the internet that has news on? Like from news sites? Quoting your self some stats that disproves your original point is pretty cool even by BBS standards
A bit rich saying I can’t/won’t see something.. If you didn’t do something, and they have no proof, you can claim slander! Unless you believe Gove didn’t do drugs?
What !!! There is no proof he has done the things you say he has what more do you want ??? According to you anyone can accuse anyone of something with no proof and the onus is on the victim? What times are you from ? The ducking stool or if she floats she’s a witch brigade . Once again you cannot give any evidence of these things so end of story . I think your a Wednesdayite now prove your not ?
Ok, let’s try a different tack. Show me an article in that you are particularly offended by as an untruth, and we can pick it apart together. I didn’t say you could accuse anyone. I said if you did you could be liable to prosecution. Once again, completely disregard anything that doesn’t fit your view as Jeremy Corbyn being the second coming...
This is fekin stupid you come on here accusing someone of being an IRA sympathiser and can’t back it up and expect someone else to get evidence for you . You have no substance and tbh no idea and not worth my response bye .
Sorry did I offend your messiah, Jeremy Corbyn? This thread was about how bad the press is towards Mr JC. You’re the one keep claiming that he’s hard done to... but are unable to back up the claims. I didn’t realise you were talking about a completely different thread. But here’s a bit of the stuff that sticks.... “You have no substance and tbh no idea and not worth my response bye”, sorry for being someone so below your superior intellect, you sound like a Tory!
Why else would they lie through their back teeth why would they set up a false charity in Scotland which turned out to be a front has its main aim was to discredit JC, if they weren't scared of him and his political stance... Even the war criminal Blair (my opinion) knows his number will be up should JC hold office in number 10
JC went on record some years ago saying that if ever he got into power he would sanction an enquiry into Blair's part and actions when he lied to the house about weapons of mass destruction and his role into the Dr David Kelly death