She wasn’t the only person there. Also, there’s the possibility she has her own mind and no-one ‘sent’ her at all. If he’d pinned her arms to her sides and frogmarched her out then the stopping her using a weapon defence would stand, a hand digging into her neck does not.
How the fk would I know that? Folk have jumped on this theme without any evidence to the contrary, what was he supposed to say , give them leaflets to a bloke next and I’ll have a go at him next.
Put it this way JD I’ve seen a lot more folk chucked out of places with a hand on their necks than with their hands pinned. Nowt like exaggeration is there? Seen loads of kids told off by adults men and women on Tracky buses, course they were regular folk not Tories so probably doesn't count
I will say it again These over privilege ar seholes think they are a class above the rest of us and more worthy...they seem to think they are above the law.. We the common man should still be tipping the cap in their eyes. Most go to private boarding schools from a very young age whereby they get a very good education but unfortunately emotion love and care for others are void subjects.. Taken away from their families who no doubt are from the same flawed system a system that in its self hardens their believe a system that becomes a survival course on its own.. Dog eat dog... hence they lack any empathy and void of feelings to anyone out of their own group... As daft as it may seem Downton Abbey the TV series is one example (the mentality ) how and what takes place in the Upper class households.. The vast physical side of things may have passed with time the attitudes of these people havent That's why you get knobs like this acting like they do and why most of the Tory party find it easier to implement laws that strip us of our power and keep us in our place.
This is a generalisation, ^^ but nevertheless it is a perception that we are given of the ruling class (as they see themselves). The aggression that they usually employ is of a more passive nature, but when it’s open like this against anyone who dares to invade one of their sanctums it shows that he is just as much a bully as any other thug. He deserves to be sacked for his aggression and his lack of judgment.
Their aggression and violence is hidden under the velvet boxing glove of government policy. See those terminally ill people told to go out and get a job or lose their benefits. Thousands dead, committed suicide etc.
Because nobody has ever been strangled round the neck? It's called direct action. You might have heard of it. Gandhi, black civil rights (Rosa Parks sitting in a only white section of a bus), Suffragettes etc. Useful tactic, you should read up on it. /s
Ohh patronising! I only said leaflet distribution in THAT kind of room was a waste of time. Think you’ll find it’s the front of the neck you need to get the windpipe. Useful tactic, you should read the text properly.[/QUOTE]
The supposition in that is that they, if there is a they, were bargaining on her being treated with a heavy hand, hoping for it almost. I don't know, but I doubt that. I haven't got the figures to back this up, but I would have thought most interlopers are apprehended well before they get anywhere near the limelight and the cameras. The few that do sneak through are ushered away quietly and without ceremony. It's very rare that one of the principal players at the event gets full-on John Prescott with an intruder. As such, I really don't think you can plan for such an outcome.
Not quite - the supposition is they were out for publicity - and they know absolutely that one of the best ways to get publicity is to get beaten up. (This is Greenpeace after all, which made most of it's membership and money after their ship was sunk and members killed by the french govt.) So what better publicity than rough tough burley security guards man handling the symbolic fertile environmental handmaids of Gilead. ( and yes I do think this level of symbolism was considered in their planning meetings) From the Guardian. dozens of Greenpeace activists sought to draw attention to the climate crisis while Philip Hammond prepared to deliver his set-piece address in the City of London. A group, most dressed all in red and wearing sashes bearing the words “climate emergency”, attempted to read out a message and “drown out” Hammond. So yes - they. Dozens of them - and absolutely they plan for this type outcome. And if there was dozens of them why did only one head for the top table. She was the specially selected and trained Storm trooper in amongst a bunch of Greenpeace Youth. However there is a difference between planning on something - giving something the best opportunity to happen and and being succesful at something - especially when you have to be very careful to not be perceived as the agressor. But I agree with you - like many terrorists Greenpeace have to try 10 or 100 times to be succesful once. But they are a well organised, ruthless, practised and media savy publicity machine. And whilst of course Greenpeace didn't plan for Mark Field specifically to react this way - and of course you can't plan for a any particular reaction to happen - you can indeed plan to give a certain outcome the very best opportunity to arise - and make sure there are plenty of cameras around to make sure it's recorded so you can milk the publicity for all the donations it's worth..
Grabbing a defenceless woman in a stranglehold is not over the top, I thought it was a disgusting act against a peaceful protester, fortunately most agree
That's the crux of it though. If burly security guards had handled the situation there would have been no or minimal publicity. Protestors would have been escorted from the premises quickly, efficiently and without giving them a bit of a tw@tting. And no one would care. That's what usually happens. Although even that misses the point. While I'm not nearly as cynical as you about Greenpeace, I do conceded they seek publicity. But I'm not arguing that what they were doing was right. I'm arguing that what Mark Field did was wrong. It's his actions I'm commenting on, not the history of an organisation or their protest/publicity tactics. I don't like the Tory Party, and I could go on forever as to the reasons why. Doesn't mean I can physically confront a member of said party when I'm at a do, whether they've got a right to be there or not.