He’s a bit of a knob to be honest. I’m still following him on Twitter from when he played for us and a lot of his posts have been like that. Lots of digs at people or woe is me posts.
He has his reasons I’m sure. I wouldn’t advise him to tweet stuff like that but we are all human and fallible.
I will testify to that. But as we all know, not everyone likes the same things/people. Be boring if that was the case. Tranmere's a decent club. Glad they're on the up. He should do a job for em.
I've met Stephan a few times and I can say hes ******* hilarious. Extremely whitty and to be fair to him, hes had it rough down at Bristol, the fans have ripped him apart all season. Go and ask Shrewsbury fans what they think about him and they'll tell you he was brilliant. I think hes well within his rights to say what he said.
I won’t go into it, not my place to. But let’s just say he was given stick that is seen ‘normal’ by Boris Johnson, future PM. Summat about smiles and colours etc.
Fair enough. If I'd received racist abuse from my own "supporters" I'd give them stick as well. Best of luck Stefan lad.