The ‘release clause’ cop out eh? Much more likely that he wouldn’t extend his contract so we have to sell now rather than lose ‘value’. Gutted, but then I have been supporting them for 52 years so not at all surprised. Same old same old.
The fee is a joke, lots of clubs were looking at him. Pompy get £5 million for Clarke.......why can't we get our worth for our players.
Not happy with that but wish him all the best. Hope we can replace him. Stendal said he wanted 4 centre backs so that means we need another 3 unless Mad man Andersen can play on his billy.
shows they tried their best and he just wanted more money like most players.......... Good luck to him, cracking centre half but not worth breaking bank over. rumours of 10k a week and over which is big for us and if he wouldnt sign that then not much more we can do
I think it's fine to sell our best players, as long as we do it "reluctantly". That makes it easy to accept and move on.
I'd call it good business providing what Conway says happens (ie all the profit going back into this seasons window), sounds like that is at least an extra £2.5 million or so if we only paid 500k for Pinnock. But if it was a release clause it is hardly a cop out gimmer, it is contract law. But as pointed out, the new owners are not going down that route with longer contracts for new talent. We can't change the past but can look forward to a positive future.
Don't mind him going, only thing that really bothers me is that whatever else we will be starting the season with a back four & goalie who've only just met. Could really have done with some stability. Can't blame the club, if he won't sign an extension don't see what choice they've got. I trust the system to find someone as good if not better, just would have been better if they all hadn't left at the same time. would like to think that if we get relegated Adam, Liam & Ethan would feel slightly ashamed ... not holding my breath tbh.
We never learn. Our best player has just left the club for peanuts. If the rumour about Aapo Halme on the 3 year contract is true then that is an even bigger joke. What are we going to do? Sell him next summer before he enters the final year of his contract?
I can’t believe he had a release clause in his contract as we had the bargaining position when we signed him.
this statement from Paul Conway is a very accurate assessment of what we're about. Ethan has gone because he wanted to go. no point keepin someone who doesnt wanr to be here. several on here have posted the same sentiment which i think is much more realistic than having a go at the owners. new talent....longer contracts...equals less chance for talented lads to hold us to ransom. **** em if they dont want to wear our shirt any more. well get better replacements who our manager can work with and develop. exciting times to stay positive and look fwd to the new season ....and get behind the lads who have signed extensions and the new lads also.
It's not the fact thst our best players go for better money that's's the size of the fee. Any body on here honestly think Clarke (pompy) was better than Pinnock.
So you would like to see the demise of the club I guess in offering stupid wages to keep players. If you like that sort of thing get thi sen off to wednesday or Leeds. Sure most of the people moaning and whining on here about this would also be the first to moan if we didn't sell and he left for nothing next season and we didn't then have much in the coffers for a suitable replacement..