I know. Though being serious, as I said earlier, if Moore leaves I think it will be our decision with someone seen as an upgrade in the wings.
According to 99% of people on here - we can’t afford to spend much - we have to listen to what the owners said - ‘we will not go crazy’. I have continually said - that this wasn’t the case that you cannot put a number on ‘we will not go crazy’. Did anyone believe me. Not many agreed with me.
You have to bear in mind that these four year contracts also represent a large financial commitment. 7 grand a week for four years is nearly £1.5m, and I think that's what we'll be paying some of these guys.
Wait for the next one . It's like Christmas we started with stocking fillers, now onto the media sized presents and the big one is still under the tree. Remember folks we made 6 million getting promoted. Season ticket sales have been good and we've got new sponsorship deals in place. The team is taking shape all it needs now is frenzied support. Most importantly it's needs support if we have any initial teething problem.
I recon we are about even. with Pinnock and Lyndsay sales.. but don't think we have broke the transfer record has yet cos if we had the club would have made a big thing about it.. but.... that signing is yet to come I feel.