Johnson was a good Mayor for London. Especially when compared to the current idiot in charge down there. Johnson is also very intelligent - I know people who have worked very closely with him and they speak highly of him. Yes, he does act strange at times, but don’t read too much into that. I think it’ll be certainly refreshing to say the least, but like anyone taking over the Brexit negotiations, it’ll not be an easy task.
The Party is still the same, and if the general manifesto is broadly the same, what does it matter? You vote for the party, not the leader when you cast your vote. As for Labour - well, their manifesto is about as clear as mud currently. Can’t make their mind up can they and stick by their GE pledge to stand by Brexit.
He should call an immediate general election to stop once and for all the nonsense that Corbyn can be PM.
I'm past caring tbh. The Tories have made an unbelievable mess of the country in the last 9 years but people keep voting them in because they're too thick to realise they don't have their interests at heart. Brexit was voted for off the back of misinformation but the government are too scared to do the right thing for the country as it would mean going against "the will of the people", and "the people" are too ignorant/pig-headed to change their misguided views. The Tory-controlled media has made normal, hard working people think that someone like Jeremy Corbyn is a danger to the country and not someone who actually gives a toss about those further down the ladder. All of the above has now led to a lying, racist piece of excrement being in charge of the country. It's all fcked.
He did build a great bridge, a fantastically useful cable car, and bought some great buses and illegal water cannons, but apart from that...
I was really impressed that while he was mayor crime in London dropped 20% while the rest of the country it only dropped 26 %!
Nobody has ever voted for a Prime Minister? You vote for your local representative - winner is elected, that person then votes for the leader of their party (with a members vote at the end) that’s pretty democratic
I thought the initial £2.1m investigation within the Mayors office to find corruption from the previous incumbent (Livingstone) which petered out quietly having found absolutely zero was my personal favourite. Closely followed by given consent to build on protected land at the side of Tower Bridge.... memory suggests the developer who benefited most may have been some ally of his... but surely not.
The man is a buffoon & not fit for office ... ironic that the mantra of Brexit & Boris was to make Britain great again. I believe he will be equally as successful as in achieving that as Trump is in America
The elevation of Johnson leaves me split between going onto the darkweb to source a sniper rifle and sufficient ammo or emigrating. Although the prospect of those that voted for a proven liar finding out that he is still a liar who lied to the members of his party that voted for him would give a certain sense of Schadenfreude.
This was the man that waxed lyrical about how Gordon Brown didn’t have a mandate from the “people” when he took over as PM from Blair - he was demanding a GE - has he changed his view?
Or also point to all the people who have worked with him who speak extremely badly of him of which there are many Some of his highlights as London Mayor The Garden Bridge Water Cannon Busses that cost a fortune and had to be modified Cable car to nowhere closing fire stations And thats before we start on his arranging to beat up Journalists, his performance in the Foreign office - eg Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe failing to support our US ambassador etc etc The guy is a proven liar serially unfaithfull and totally unfit to be in any high office let alone Prime minister we are totally and utterly fwcked with bells and whistles Its a very sad day for the UK
He was going to bring an end to homelessness too. That didn't quite pan out. He was highly successful in clearing his diary to write a weekly Telegraph column for £250k a year, to stand as an MP and be given a cabinet position without portfolio... all while supposedly holding down a full time job as London Mayor.